Page 206 of Big Duke Energy

Ellie laughed again. “I did. I felt the need for a break, so I went to the Lake District. In real life, Charlotte’s spaniel is my cat, Sir Winston Purrchill—” She paused as the audience laughed. “—And Thomas, the duke, is really Max.”

“The Duke of Windermere,” Sasha said. “Yourfiancé.”

Ellie blushed.

I grinned.

I couldn’t believe I’d convinced this woman to marry me. I was sure I’d pinch myself and wake up to it all being a dream.

“Yes, he is,” Ellie confirmed.

Sasha smiled. “That makes you a future duchess, does it not?”

“I’ve never really given it that kind of thought, but yes. I suppose it does.”

I fought back a laugh.

She really hadn’t.

Nor had we changed our living arrangements since I’d proposed, but that was fine by me. As far as I was concerned, she could live in the lodge for another sixty years if it made her happy.

As long as we ignored the fact we tended to spend at least five nights a week together between the two houses.

“Well, that’s amazing. Congratulations to your both. I’ll keep an eye for my wedding invitation, naturally.”

Both Ellie and the audience laughed.

“Back to the book. This is obviously a hugely personal story for both you and your fiancé. How did you separate your own reality from that of Charlotte and Thomas?”

“You’d be surprised how easy it was to do, especially during the editing process. Her spaniel, Lord Barkington the Third—Lord for short—was originally based on my cat, like I said, so that was the first step between really separating myself from her. A lot of personal details never made it into the book at all, and even before my relationship with Max changed I was very aware of making sure thathespecifically wasn’t in the book, including his family. Even Elliott Hall, the seat of the dukedom, isn’t based on Greygarth House at all, with the exception of the library.”

Sasha nodded slowly. “Of course, I’m sure older members of the audience are familiar with the Windermere name and, uh, the tragic accident that resulted in the Duke losing his parents at a young age. None of that is in the book.”

I swallowed.

It was easier now. To talk about. To hear about. I’d worked through a great deal of pain over the past year or so, and I’d prepared for this to be mentioned. I also knew exactly what Ellie was going to say. Both of us had rehearsed this with her publicist a thousand times, and while I was all right with her speaking about it, she refused to.

“Absolutely not. The loss of my fiancé’s parents is painful for his family, and I won’t offer that pain up for public consumption. I’m an entertainer, ultimately. I write books that I hope provide you with entertainment and enjoyment, and I will not use someone’s very real pain for that purpose.”

“I absolutely agree with you, as I’m sure everyone here does. But there is a little bit of realness in this, isn’t there, with his family? The book club?”

Ellie fought back a laugh. “Yes. The book club is based on very real people, one of which is the Dowager Duchess. She’s going to kill me for calling her that on national television, by the way. She thinks it makes her sound old. She loves you, by the way, and she’s going to kill me for saying that, too.”

Everyone laughed, including me.

Sasha clapped her hands together. “What’s her name?”

“Esme. Sorry, Esme.” Ellie grinned at the cameras.

I rubbed my hand down my face.

Sasha looked at the cameras with a beaming smile. “Esme, you sound like a hoot. I expect an invite to this book club next time I’m in Windermere. And that karaoke.”

Ellie shook her head.

I chuckled quietly as the interview continued on for a few more minutes, mostly focusing on the movie deal she’d signed just a few weeks ago.

“Well, Ellie, thank you so much for coming on the show this morning,” Sasha said. “It’s been a real pleasure to have you here talking about your book and your relationship. Thank you so much.”