Page 8 of Beautiful Enemy

“Only if you’re into fresh air, crystal-blue waters, beautiful people, and partying.”

She laughs. “Hard to imagine anything could ruin that. You deserve it. I don’t think you’ve stayed in one place for a month since college.”

The problem with staying in one place is you get attached to it. You expect things of the people around you.

I learned early how dangerous and destructive that can be.

“Listen,” I start, “I should let you go. But it’s good to hear your childish enthusiasm. You want a souvenir?”

“Bring me back a good story and we’ll call it even.”

I click off and stare at the water.

Harrison’s right about one thing—I can’t leave without a plan. Right now, if he wants to go after me legally, I have no doubt he’d win.

Annie wants a story.

I might be young, but I’m not powerless.

I won’t run from this villain.

Not without getting a few swings in first.

Harrison King might be the man with the money.

But I’m the girl with the mic.

A light knock at the door has me turning back toward the room as Natalia comes in, a perplexed look on her face. “Where are your bags?”

“The airline lost them.”

Her eyes widen. “Dios mío. I can take you shopping, if you like, or send you to the best boutiques.”

I cross to the middle of the room and look down at my clothes. I need something to wear tonight if I’m not leaving today. “Maybe not the best boutiques,” I warn because that sounds expensive. “If I called them and told them what I wanted, could they send a few items over?”

“Of course.”

“Including a wig,” I say, setting my phone on the dresser and tugging out the half-assed bun I made on the side of the road an hour ago. “Blond,” I decide.

If it’s a strange request, she doesn’t balk. “You should go to the beach. We also have a pool and a jacuzzi. Enjoy yourself before you have to work. You’re too young to look so serious.”

Inspired, I reach for my computer.

Natalia is right. Just because I’m here doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy myself a little.

Defiance flows through my veins as I send off a quick text to Annie with some lyrics for a new verse.

My contract says I’ll play for Harrison King.

Tonight, I will.

But the contract doesn’t say I have to do it nicely.



“We’re here,señor.” My driver’s eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror as he pulls up in front of the club.