“I thought I might get involved in your dad’s label. Both as a business proposition and for my own music. But only if it won’t come betweenyou.”
I shake my head. “Not at all. He’d love that. And I wouldtoo.”
Something buzzes from across the room—myphone.
“Shit. It’sDad.”
We didn’t call him back after getting engaged last night because we wanted a few moments toourselves.
“He knows you’re here. If I don’t answer, he’s going to think we were havingsex.”
Tyler’s eyes crinkle at the corners. “Please don’tanswer.”
I pull down my T-shirt and straighten my hair. Then I squeeze past him and grab the phone, sliding the bar so the video callconnects.
“Hey, you guys!” I say but frown as I take in the unfamiliar backdrop, my dad’s pale face, and Haley’s sweaty one. “Did you paint? Oh my God! You’re in the hospital. You had thebaby!”
“Once we finally got here, he was out in three hours,” Haleysighs.
Tyler appears behind me, and my dad’s eyes narrow while Haley looks delighted, the baby in herarms.
We gush over baby Mason and get all thedetails.
“Nice work,” Tyler says, and my dadgrins.
He looks beyond proud. “How about you two? Any news we shouldknow?”
“Well, we cast someone in the lead for themusical.”
I swear my dad looks disappointed. “Thatsit?”
“And…” I hold up thering.
“Tyler. Tell me you didn’t go down on one knee,” Dadsnorts.
Haley shoves his shoulder. “Don’t act like you’re too cool for that. You’ve done it. You evencried.”
My jawdrops.
“I didn’t cry,” hesays.
“Your eyes wereshining.”
“Trick of thelight.”
“Anyway.” Haley rolls her eyes, turning back to us. “We’re so happy for youboth.”
“Thanks Haley, we’re happy for you, too. All ofyou.”
Tyler clears his throat. “Jax, we have a couple of weeks before we really gear up for the musical. I’d like to use your studio if I can booktime.”
“You gotit.”
When we hang up and I toss the phone back on the table, feeling the only man I’ve ever loved pull me against him again, I’ve never been morecontent.
“I’m ready for those Rice Krispies squares now,” Isigh.
Tyler’s eyes crinkle. “Only if I can eat them offyou.”