“You trying to steal my roomie, Adams?” shecalls.

“It’s done.” I love the satisfaction in his tone, thepossessiveness.

“I love you so damnedmuch.”

My blood heats. “I love youtoo.”

Something lands on the stage, and I realize it’s asock.

“For your bedroom door,” Elle tosses as she turns back up the aisle with awave.

Tyler’s grin is delicious. “Tell me we’re donehere.”

I meet Miranda’s gaze. “I think we’ve accomplished what we set outto.”

“Agreed,” my mentor says. “Annie, we’ll talk tomorrow. Congratulations, Mr. Adams. And I don’t mean about the role.” She smiles and turns to headout.

I don’t get to see her leave because Tyler’s yanking me againsthim.

“Come here,” he murmurs against mylips.

Then he’s kissing me, and my brows shoot up myface.

But I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back with everything inme.

I’m here on a damned New York stage, and all I care about is the man holding me, the one who’s always held me up, always made me feel likeenough.

Like we’reenough.

And despite how far we’ve come, something tells me we’re only gettingstarted.


Iwakeup in the morning, and the bed smells likeTyler.

I roll over to find him gone, but there’s a sticky note on thepillow.


Igrinas I shift out of bed, tugging down the hem of my T-shirt and stepping around the overnight bag he brought. I head out to the livingroom.

“This for me?” I hold up the stickynote.

Tyler turns from where he’s standing at the counter, the smell of coffee wafting through our place. “Mhmm. How’d I know you’d have the ingredients for Rice Krispiessquares?”

“It’s a bribe, isn’t it?” I shift in front of him, winding my arms around his neck. “So I don’t tell my dad I woke up in your bed.” I cock my head. “Okay, technically my bed. Butstill.”

His hands slide down my sides, making every part of me wake up under his touch even before he presses his lips to my jaw. “You’re going to wake up in my bed every day,always.”

He hitches me up on the counter and kisses me, taking his time. I press myself against him, threading my hands into his hair. He tugs me closer to the edge, my panties the only thing betweenus.

And they’re getting dampfast.

“Elle could walk in,” I protest half-heartedly.

“Elle’s out for the day,” Tyler mutters between kisses. “And we have to make up for lost time. I’m going to have you on every surface of thisapartment.”
