I walk toward a dark corner and hit his contact, and he picks up on a videocall.
“Thought you had auditions this weekend,” hesays.
“We do. We’re at a theater right now.” I flip him around to see the space, then back to see me. “Unfortunately, we haven’t found the right actorsyet.”
He frowns. “Don’t give up. Sometimes the best things come from the last place you expect. Like Tyler finding Shay. Her single releases nextweek.”
“That’s great, Dad.” I swallow. “Have you talked to Tyler? I sent him something a few days ago, and I hoped I’d hear back bynow.”
My dad’s expression shifts, and I can’t read the strange look on his face. “I think he missesyou.”
The backs of my eyes burn, and I’m glad I’m in a dark corner. “I miss him too. Well, I should get back toit.”
Dad nods. “We’re proud of you. All of us. Let us know how your castinggoes.”
I hang up and head back toward Miranda, who has already unwrapped a sandwich and is in conversation withElle.
“I want to do this show where the audience sits on stage and I’m watching them from the floor,” Elle’s saying, and Miranda’s studying her with a raisedbrow.
They both look at me when I return, and Jeffrey comes back down theaisle.
“We have one more tosee.”
“Who?” I ask, frowning. Every headshot in front of me is familiar. We’ve seen each of these people on stage alreadytoday.
But Elle stiffens next to me, grabbing my arm. “Holyshit.”
Someone walks past us up the aisle. I lift my head slowly, tingles starting low in my stomach and spreading to my arms, my legs, mytoes.
The man takes the stairs to the stage as if this were his house, not an audition. He’s confident, relaxed, in dark jeans and a shirt rolled up at the sleeves to reveal swirls of blackink.
Tyler hits center stage and turns to face us. I’m so floored it takes a moment for me to catch up when his gaze meetsmine.
Jeffrey shifts into the seat next to me. “Well?”
I blink. “Wellwhat?”
“Go withhim.”
I shift out of my seat, nearly forgetting the book before I trip toward the stage, take the steps, and cross to Tyler. I stop in front ofhim.
Even under the lights, he takes up the stage, takes up theroom.
“What are you doing?” I shake my head in disbelief. I’m so happy he’s here I almost don’t want to know theanswer.
“I’m auditioning. You sent me ascript.”
My jaw hits the floor. “I wanted you to read it. I wasn’t asking you toaudition.”
His mouth twitches. “You should’ve been morespecific.”
“But…” My mouth works, nothing coming out. “You can’t be auditioning onBroadway.”
“Someone told me you don’t need your hands to make good music. That it can come from your head and yourheart.”
Tyler cuts an expectant look toward my colleagues. Jeffrey folds his arms, and Miranda smiles broader than I’ve seen her smile since I returned fromDallas.