The first of my two final exams isn’t until tomorrow, but already, I feel as if I’m beinggrilled.
“Because I need money to pay next semester’s tuition and living expenses and my rock star dad cut me off for failing to tell him I was at performing artsschool.”
He cocks his head. “Cute. One moretime.”
I square my shoulders. “Because I’m a hard worker, I don’t give up, and I’ll wait whichever tables you tell me to for as many hours as youwant.”
“Good.” Beck rises from his chair and goes to the fridge, where he pulls out two Coke cans and hands meone.
I pop the tab and take a long drink. “Thanks for helping me practice forinterviews.”
The reality that I need to provide for myself is sinking in. I’ve submitted resumes to at least twenty places—a few administrative positions, plus serving since there seem to be more of thoseavailable.
“Give them the answers they want, and someone will give you achance.”
My gaze scans the apartment, landing on the guitar leaning against the wall. “Think I should take his guitar to him at thehotel?”
“So he can play it with his teeth?” Beck’s laughter dies when he sees my expression. “Manatee, he’ll ask for it if he wantsit.”
That statement bothers me. Tyler’s been doing his best to assure me he’s okay, but it doesn’t feelright.
“I ran into the nurse on my way to school this morning. She said his hand seems to be healing, but I don’t know about the rest of him. Have you noticed anything strange in the last couple ofdays?”
The way Beck shifts against the counter, frowning, doesn’t ease mymind.
I turn my soda can in my hands. “I know it’ll take time, and this is part of the process. He’s been through a traumatic event,and—”
“You both have.” Beck crosses the distance between us, tilting his face down to search my expression. “Tyler dropped one of his classes rather than rescheduling thefinal.”
My brows shoot up. “What?” He didn’t say anything this morning in the hour it took me to get up, shower, put away the pullout couch and leave forVanier.
Beck shrugs. “I think he figured he had enough on his plate. The pain’s been badagain.”
Something else he didn’t tell me. My hand tightens on the can until it makes a crunching noise, and I set it on thecounter.
Beck lays a hand on my shoulder. “He’s gonna work it out. It’ll take time. More than fourdays.”
But I hate the thought of Tyler lying to me. If he wanted to keep me from worrying, it’s having the oppositeeffect.
I get why he kept things from me back in high school, when he was trying not to wantme.
Now, we’re together. We don’t need secrets. They’ll only keep usapart.
The door opens, and Tyler starts inside before pulling up, looking between Beck and me. “Hey. What are you doing here? I thought you werestudying.”
Beck’s hand slides off myshoulder.
“Beck’s helping me with practice interviews for jobs,” I respond. “I’m surprised you’rehere.”
“Needed some moreclothes.”
He hasn’t been back since thatnight.
This is good. A stepforward.
“Let me help.” I follow him into his room. “Beck said you dropped aclass.”
“You’re talking to Beck about me?” Tyler turns, arching a darkbrow.