I rub a hand over my neck. “I’m looking forJax.”

“He’s in the yard. Are there any more musicians coming?” she calls after me hopefully as I head through the house, a sprawling, new-looking ranch that’s not as big as Jax’s but still screamsmoney.

It’s been two days since my hand surgery, and though the surgeon said it went well, it’s too soon to know if this will make the difference I’m hoping for by taking away most of the pain andstiffness.

But no matter what happens, for the first time, I’m not lying awake at night, willing this to be the thing that fixesme.

As I head out the back doors and into a sprawling yard filled with bright colors, children’s entertainment, and clusters of adults, I don’t have to ask where to find Jax—it’s clear from all the moms staring at him. He’s in one corner, talking to a man who looks like the only other dadhere.

When Jax looks up and sees me, it’s his turn to do a doubletake.

I shouldn’t have shown up in Dallas unannounced, but it was a good thing Jax wasn’t home when I got there. That gave me more time to get ready for what I have tosay.

“Haley said I’d find you here,” I say when I pull up next tohim.

“Usually Hales does party duty, but she’s still on bedrest.”

The other man takes Jax’s stare as his cue to leave, and I swallow my amusement as I look across the sprawling yard with a jungle gym, a gated-off pool, a bouncy castle, and tables with snacks and desserts. “How many kids come to thesethings?”


It takes me a moment to spot Sophie at the top of the slide in overalls and a lime-green T-shirt, her hair in pigtails with matching green ribbons. She’s not looking for her dad. She’s focused on the ride she’s on, and her face splits with a smile as she slides down to the bottom, bumping into the last kid—who failed to clear the landing zone in time—with a littleshriek.

The woman who answered the door approaches, her gaze moving between us. “Would you like ahat?”

“Love one. Jaxtoo.”

I take two party hats from her and hold one out for Jax. He shoves his hands in hispockets.

“Please say you came to relieve me,” he states when she’sgone.

“I did come to tell you something, but it might not be a relief.” I take a breath. “I’m going to marry yourdaughter.”

Jax stiffens, his gaze never leaving the throng of kids on the jungle gym. Sophie chases another kid, running under the slide and lunging. “Sophie’s a littleyoung.”

“I’m serious. I’m in love with Annie. I have been since before I knew what that meant. She fucking loves metoo.”

A little boy whose shoe fell off as he tried to dash past us looks up from refastening the Velcro, eyes round with delight. Then he takes off toward his parents,hollering.

“She’ll always be yours, and I’m not trying to take her away from you,” I go on. “But she’ll always be minetoo.”

Jax rubs a hand over his square jaw. “And if I don’t acceptthat?”

My body stiffens as I turn the paper hat in myhands.

“You’re the closest thing I’ve had to a father. You trusted me and let me into your family. But if you’re going to make me choose, Jax—I chooseher.”

The truth of those words rings through me. I choose Annie over certainty, over safety, over money, over fame. No life I could lead is as full without her, and if being with her means putting everything I am, everything I’ve been, on the line? I’m ready to do it. For now and foralways.

“What about your contract?” Jaxasks.

“Zeke and I came to an agreement for how I’ll finish the album. I also committed to more public appearances, and paying for a PR rep on the label’s staff since I don’t do enough ‘fan engagement’, in hiswords.”

“I’m impressed. Did you negotiate that collaboratively or drop an ultimatum on hisdesk?”

“Something inbetween.”

Jax stares me down. “Listen to me,Tyler.”