“I love you both,” Sophie says solemnly, and I can’t help laughing as Tyler ruffles herhair.
“All right, time for cereal,” I say, heading for thecupboards.
Sophie runs toward the front door before I can argue, comes back a moment later with shoes, and drops them at Tyler’s feet. “Shoesfirst.”
Apparently, she’s decided she wants him at her beck andcall.
Can’t say I blameher.
“Shoes at the same time,” Tylercounters.
She hops into her chair and puts on herbib.
“Sing your song for Tyler,” she commands as she starts tomunch.
I sing, pouring a black coffee for me and one with cream for Tyler. When I turn back to him, mug in hand, he’s watching withfascination.
“That’s it,” Tyler murmurs when Ifinish.
“Funny. Miranda said the samething.”
As Tyler and I drink our coffees and Sophie finishes her cereal, my dad comes down the steps and takes in thescene.
“Daddy!” She scoots out of her chair and into his arms. “Annie wrote a song. It’s the bestsong.”
“Annie writes all the best songs,” Dadresponds.
“How would you know?” Itoss.
“My favorite is thisone.”
He starts to sing one from my other musical and Sophie squeals in delight. “Let’s get you to school, kid,” he tells Sophie once hefinishes.
I’m still struggling with the emotion that comes from realizing he knows one of mysongs.
It never occurred to me that hedid.
But as my gaze finds Tyler’s, I know he can see it all on myface.
“How’s Haley?” I ask Dad as Sophie finishes her breakfast and goes to grab herbackpack.
“Tired but in good spirits. I shouldn’t be going to this party inLA.”
I cross to him and squeeze his arm. “It’ll be okay. Serena’s coming tomorrow to stay, so she, Haley, Sophie, and I can do a girls’ night. Besides, everyone’s going to this party,right?”
“Yeah.” He nods in response, giving me a one-armedhug.
“So, maybe Shay shouldgo.”
Dad looks between me and Tyler as I hold mybreath.
“Yes,” Dad decides. “Shay shouldgo.”
Tyler shoves both hands in his pockets. “I’ll let herknow.”
They leave, and I jump on Tyler. “I’m so glad Shay’s workingout.”
“Thanks toyou.”