Because I love spending time with him. I love how he is with Shay, how she’s slowly dragging him out of his own head where his music isconcerned.
He’s so different than he was when we broke up, and better still for having spent these weekshere.
And so amI.
I’m more comfortable with myself. I don’t have every answer, and I’m okay with that. I’m not afraid someone will accuse me of not being capable enough to write a musical, or star in a show, or be unreasonable because I want to be in the spotlight and be part of afamily.
Dad and I can have a conversation one-on-one, not just be civil for a meal, I like helping Haley and Sophie, and most of all I love that the only guy who’s ever owned my heart is righthere.
I considered walking away from my dreams to run after Tyler two years ago, and it would’ve been a mistake. He needed the space to figure out a new normal, and I needed to prove to myself I could hack it in thecity.
So what if this time isdifferent?
I head upstairs and take a shower, luxuriating in the hot steam for a few minutes before I pull on jean shorts and a tank top and head to Sophie’s room. I crack the pink curtains before dropping to my knees next to thebed.
I tickle her face. “Good morning. Time for daycare,Soph.”
She wrinkles her nose and swats my hand. “It’snot.”
Her sleepy mumble has melaughing.
“Sing me a song.” I start to, and her eyes blink open. “I don’t know thatone.”
I brush the hair back from her face. “No one does yet. I wroteit.”
“When you getup.”
She’s out of bed in a second. If my audiences are as receptive as Sophie, maybe this new show has ashot.
She picks out her clothes, and I pull her hair back and braid it, the only part she’ll let medo.
When we get downstairs, there’s a figure looming at the slidingdoors.
“Tyler!” Sophie runs over, pressing up on her toes to stubbornly work the lock until she can let himin.
“Thanks, Sunshine Sophie.” His hands are full of a huge basket with fancy decaf and other treats, which he lifts. “ForHaley.”
“What about for me?” Sophieprompts.
I’m about to tell her we’re making her cereal, but Tyler frowns and rummages in the basket, pulling out a purple plastic truck. “I don’t see anything foryou.”
She jumps on thetoy.
“I got it in LA, but it’s been living in my hotel room ever since,” he murmurs tome.
My stomach twists, every part of metingling.
“I love you,” Iblurt.
Tyler’s smile freezes. He squares to face me, his handsome face surprised and pleased. “I love youtoo.”
The words sink into my skin, my bones, mysoul.
I want to hear him say itagain.