I offer him the lastchip.

He shakes me off. “It’syours.”

I break it in half, and he takes the otherpart.

“You know which album is the most important?” he muses after finishing and brushing his hands on his jeans. “It’s the one you create next. It’s not just about the money. It’s myreputation.”

“That’s why you should trust Tyler about Shay.” I glance toward the man I love entertaining my little sister down the hall, and my chest expands until it threatens to crack my ribs. “Because he doesn’t go all in every day. But when he does… it’smagic.”


“That thingyou wanted me to keep an eye out for? I’ve got a lead on it,” Beck says over the phone as I shift out of my car at the studio the next day. “Four bedrooms. Ocean view. Floor-to-ceiling glass. Don’t drool on yourshoes.”

I shake my head as I grab the front door and head inside. Shay waves at me, and I nod. “Get the realtor to chase it down forme.”

“Done. Long as I get first dibs onbedrooms.”

I’ve been saving for a place on the beach. My plan is to get my surgery, fix my hand, and get back to my album in warm weather—no more cold winters that make my hand feel useless andbroken.

But that’s not the only reason for my upbeatmood.

I could chalk it up to my surgery coming up soon, but it’s notthat.

It’s the time I’m spending with Annie, but also creatively, helpingShay.

Hell, I even started work with the songs Zeke sent me, though I’m not about to admit it until I go back toLA.

Which I have to dosoon.

But it’s been easy to push that from my mind in light of the chaos of the past fewdays.

I hang up and glance at Shay, who’s unpacking her things at herdesk.

“Ready to work?” I askher.

“Absolutely.” Her face lights up with enthusiasm. “First, though, you have guests waiting in your office.” I frown, and she hurries to add, “They said they knewyou.”

I start back there, annoyed someone’s in there without me. I push the door wide and stop in mytracks.

Annie’s inside, looking like everything right in the world in a flowy blue dress that makes me want to press her up against the wall and find out if she’s wearing anything underit.

“Hey, beautiful. How’s Haley thismorning?”

“Resting but good. No more pains. And the headaches havesubsided.”

Last night we got back from the hospital around midnight, after the doctors ran a bunch of tests and diagnosed Haley with preeclampsia. Given she’s not due to deliver for another month, they gave her medication and advised her to stick to bed rest and return if thingsworsened.

I go to kiss Annie, but she pulls back. “Slow your roll, Romeo. We’ve gotcompany.”

She moves out of the way to reveal Rae slouched in my taskchair.

I arch a brow at Annie’s former roommate. “You lookcomfortable.”

“Lumbar support is important,” Rae deadpans. But she rises from her chair and I grab her in a one-armed hug she reluctantlyallows.

Annie says, “She’s stopped over on her way to Miami for a DJgig.”

“Damn. I was just talking to Beck. He’ll be bummed he missedyou.”