She nearly spits out her coffee, laughing. “Tyler Adams, international music sensation, Prince of Oakwood, King of Vanier, Duke of Annie Jamieson’s heart, is inDallas.”
She has the decency to lower her voice when she saysit.
I break off a piece of the croissant and shift in my seat. “We went to a concert lastnight.”
When he showed up at the pool, all frustrated and gorgeous and making me remember how things used to be, I wanted to go with him even though it was a badidea.
Plus, we had fun. God, we had so much fun, more than I’ve had in a longtime.
His intensity’s still there, but he has this new relaxedness too. He was always sure of how to act in the world because he figures out everything and everyone, but now it’s like the wheels in his head aren’t turning quite so fast, as though he’s not so busy judging everything andeveryone.
“I’m glad you guys are making nice. I remember how hard it was on you when he left.” Pen’s voice pulls me back. “Would you ever get backtogether?”
“No.” The word comes out fast. “I’m not going near men for a longtime.”
Even if Tyler’s more gorgeous than ever, and everything about him beckons mecloser.
Lying in bed next to him last night, hearing his steady breathing, feeling his closeness, was not something I’d planned. But we’d had such a good time and I didn’t want to wake up half the house by getting homelate.
Saying yes to the innocent offer to crash left me with more than I bargainedfor.
“I know you and Ian dated for six months,” Pen goeson.
“Meaning?” I arch a brow and she lifts bothpalms.
“Hot rebound sex. Hear me out,” she goes on at my expression. “Tyler’s fire. Always was, and he’s only gotten hotter with age and the whole famousthing.”
“He’s notthatfamous.”
She cringes. “If you’re in Rolling Stone, you’re famous. If you’re playing a benefit concert this weekend in LA with four other Grammy-winning acts? You’re famous. The point is, you’re both unattached. You’re in Dallas, and he’s living in the poolhouse.”
“Helping at my dad’s studio,” I correct. “The universe doesn’t want us to get backtogether.”
“Maybe the universe wants you to bang for old time’ssake.”
Shivers run down my spine, settle in my breasts and between mythighs.
Sex with Tyler is a terrible idea. Not because I’m not attracted to him. Seeing him strip off his shirt last night to reveal miles of cut pecs and abs covered with swirls of ink... It took everything in me not to melt into the carpet of the fancy hotelsuite.
Is that why I didn’t want to tell him about Ian—because I was afraid I couldn’t handle him if heknew?
I shove the thought down. I can handleTyler.
All ofhim.
He’s changed over the past two years, and so have I. I’m not a kid anymore, I’m a grown woman with a career and the ability to know what’s right forher.
Pen gets up and hugs me again. “Well, I need to go check in with the caterer. It was good to see you. We need to get lunch when we’re both back in NewYork.”
She waves and vanishes out the door, and I glance at myphone.
I had it set to silent, but the voicemail is lit up, and the number has my good vibesevaporating.
Ian’s smooth voice flows out of the speaker when I hitListen.
“Annie. When you called, I was having breakfast with a couple of colleagues who’ll be attending the reading at the end of the summer. Given how soon that is, I need more than a promise to share the book when it’s finished. Not only am I hosting this reading, but I’m inviting funders from my own network. It may be your work, but it’s my reputation on the line.” Pause. “I don’t want you to turn what happened between us into an excuse to be unprofessional. What happened with that woman wasn’t personal, and it had nothing to do with you and me. Maybe you’re too young to understand the difference. Someday,you’ll—”