My throat works. “I don’t know. But it doesn’t matter what itcosts.”

This shouldn’t be happening. Everything was working out—with me, Tyler, ourlives…

“Miss, are you feeling light-headed? You lookpale.”

“I’m fine.” I force a smile and turn back down the hall, ignoring the people passingme.

I want to call my dad. He’d know what to do. More than that, I’d give anything to see him and Haley and Sophie brush through thosedoors.

A tear escapes down mycheek.

I open the contacts on my phone and hit his number. Each ring has my stomach twisting tighter, ready for the next second when he’ll answer. I’ll tell him I’m sorry for everything, that I’ll make it up to him if only he’ll help me with this onething.

But there’snothing.

After four rings, I get hisvoicemail.

I try to formulate words to leave on amessage.

Someone attacked Tyler with aknife.

He’s bleeding likecrazy.

We’re at thehospital.

I don’t know what the fuck todo.

It’s all myfault.

A girl younger than me walks down the hall with a cast on her arm. Her parents are with her, but when she gets closer, I notice the scratches along her face, the bruises. She meets my gaze, and her face iscomposed.

Pull it together. For Tyler’ssake.

The beep jerks me back, and I hang up without saying aword.

I swipe at my cheeks before making anothercall.

* * *

“Is he okay?”Beck demands as he stalks inside, Elle and Rae in tow. The clock on the wall says it’s two in themorning.

I tell them what happened. As I’m finishing, a man in a suit enters the ER doors, searching the waitingroom.

I rise to meet Zeke, the record exec who signed Tyler less than two weeks ago. “I told them to spare no expense,but…”

He understands immediately. “You don’t think they’ll take youseriously.”

Zeke nods and goes to the desk, starts talking with the womanthere.

“You called him?” Beck demands, coming up behindme.

“I need to know he’s going to be taken care of. Zeke’s interests and Tyler’s are aligned. At least rightnow.”

Rae strips off her sweatshirt and holds it out tome.

I stare at her, confused as to why she’s offering me clothes when I have myown.

But when she keeps holding out the shirt, I look down at my dress and jacket, caked inblood.