But as I lean against a wall, I can’t bring myself tocare.
“Tyler got hurt. We were walking home at night. Someone jumped him.” I take a breath. “He’s going to beokay.”
“Jesus. Annie, what aboutyou?”
“I’m taking care ofhim.”
“That’s not what I meant.” He curses. “Come home. We’ll deal with all of this once you’reback.”
I want to. If he’d answered last week when I called and told me he’d fix it all, I would’ve taken him up on it in aheartbeat.
My fingers find the little Statue of Liberty keychain and I turn it in myhand.
“You told me life in this industry never goes the way you plan, and you’re right. I came to New York to pursue my dreams. You may not agree with them, but you don’t have to. I’m not givingup.”
I think he’s going to argue, but hedoesn’t.
“Haley and I will pay your tuition if that’s what youwant.”
My chest expands in relief.I don’t need to get a job, don’t need to struggle to figure out how I’m going to stayhere.
But my gaze plays over the students in the hall. They’re from all walks of life, all of them here because they can’t imagine being anywhere else. What they all have in common is they’re here on theirterms.
The realization that hits me is sobering and freeing atonce.
“You taught me how to swim. You taught me how to love music. But there’s one thing you taught me without meaning to, and it’s how to make it without giving a fuck what anyone thinks. I don’t need your approval or your money. You started out in this industry when you were my age, and you made it on your own. I willtoo.”
There’s silence on the line, punctuated only by hoarsebreathing.
“When are your exams finished?” he asks atlast.
“Come home. BringTyler.”
I run a finger over the ridges of the tiny figurine’s torch, her gown, her pedestal. “I am home,Dad.”
“There’s a problem with your writing,”Ms. Talbot informs me, looking up from the computer in heroffice.
It’s quiet at Vanier since exams finished yesterday. Only a handful of students staying for the holidays remain, plus a number of thefaculty.
“What’s that?” Iask.
“It’s better than any other student’s I’ve seen. These lyrics you wrote are meaningful andspecific.”
My shoulders relax. I didn’t realize how much tension I was holding until she said those words. “Thankyou.”
“I’d like you to help me finish the book for this show. It doesn’t pay much, but it’s a good learning experience. And you should consider auditioning, at the righttime.”
Excitement surges through me. “I’d loveto.”
I could be in an off-Broadway show. One I helpedwrite.
“But,” she goes on, “I need your commitment. You pulling out of the showcase was shortsighted andfoolish.”
“I understand. This is my dream. I’ll do whatever it takes to see itthrough.”