Page 88 of Battle Born for You

My smile grows, “yes, it is. The bar will be closed from November first to December thirtieth for renovations. We will have a grand re-opening party for our staff and their families New Year’s Eve.”

She shifts uncomfortably in the chair then tosses the packet on the desk with distain, “what does this mean for me? I can’t go two months without an income Zander. I don’t have much of a savings-”

Her words trail off when I hold out another packet for her to look through, this one she will be more than happy with.

“In here you will find the answers.” I give her a minute to peruse, taking a sip of coffee right before her face brightens. She shifts in her chair, nowhere near uneasy now. “I would like you to become my front house manager, effective immediately. There is also a check in the back as your bonus.”

“Are you serious!?” No way!” She stands and shows me the paper with her new salary, “Are you for real? Like, for real, for real? This is almost double what I make in a year! This can’t be real.”

Her excitement is tinged with anxiety.

“I’m playing no trick, it’s real. You have more than proven yourself over these years, and especially these past months.”

She is stunned, “I can’t believe it. I don’t know what to say.” She sits back in the chair, a little peppier now and still very much awestruck.

“I value what you bring to this place and want to ensure you stay with us for a long while yet.” I knew without a doubt she could do the job; she helped me grasp the owner role when I had no idea what the hell all this entailed. She helped Grady with ordering, checked over his books, and even repaired things here. Maddie is a Ms. Fix-it and is one who’s always done things to make sure they’re done right. “Say yes, Maddie.”

She smiles ear to ear, “Alright then. I’m going to go with a yes.Hell yes!”

I laugh, “that’s the spirit.” I look at the clock on the wall and think about my siren. I should give her a call, check in.

She stands and bounces up and down then vigorously shakes my hand to complete her review, “Thank you, Zander. You have no idea what this means for my family.”

I couldn’t help but notice she left herself out of her statement. Ever so selfless. Then again, mom’s usually are.

“Maddie.” I wait for her to face me, “if you need anything, please let me know; you are family, we have to stick together.”

I hate seeing her run herself ragged; Maddie takes her mom to just about all her appointments, boys to their baseball and soccer games and stays every game to cheer them on, provides for those around her, and the list goes on. A powerhouse. She knows where I’m getting at and doesn’t feel like she needs to protest.

“Yes boss.” She gives a salute, “will do.” Then she’s giggling and damn near skipping out of the office.

I follow her out, gather all staff in attendance, and welcome Maddie as Harbor’s Edge’s Front House Manager.

Cheers and claps sound from the handful of workers. Everyone here can share more than five things on what makes Maddie perfect for this position. I’m glad she said yes.

Lili, Tamara, and my sister Emma are attending some sort of music festival with a new featured band ‘Seasons of Sirens’, I guess they have exploded throughout Europe. I gave Shark the heads up and so he and Weston were going to oversee Lili’s security. Things for Shark are only just getting started and he doesn’t have the full manpower quite yet in London, but he knows I trust him above anyone else with Lili’s safety. Weston is a very analytical thinker and will do well in this new profession. I was more than impressed with their detail at the gala.

“Hey babe, how was the flight?” I ask as she picks up, I can hear traffic honking in the background of the city life. A loud groan comes over the line.

“Bloody Christ– I said no.” She states, exasperated. She then whispers for someone to go away.

I straighten in my chair, tension simmering now, “Lili? What’s wrong?”

She growls on the other end, “I have no bloody idea why I agreed to this trip with your sister and Tamara. They are dragging me all over the city.I just want to take a nap. This music festival is going to end tits up, I just know it. I do not need a new outfit.”

My sister yells at her in the background how she should’ve slept on the plane.

I relax and breathe a sigh of relief and wonder why she is thinking the festival will end badly, “awe, poor baby.” I start to chuckle, but then I’m cut off.

“They are yelling at me to hang up, it’s ‘girl’s night’. If ye do not hear from me within the next twelve to fourteen hours don’t be alarmed. I’ll just taxed and sleeping the day away.”

My sister chimes in the background again, “no way are you sleeping! Off the phone, it’s party time!”

“Emma, don’t-

Before we can say I love you, the line cuts off, from the sound of it, by my sister’s hand.

Lili is absolutely in trouble, just not in the way I thought in the beginning. I’ll be sure to have Shark give me all the details when they arrive back home, Lord knows these ladies will leave things out on purpose.