Page 85 of Battle Born for You

No tears.

No words.

Just holding.



“Ye are all I need.” I say after some time and smile at him, “and Hank too.”

He chuckles, “Can’t leave Hank out of this.”

I leaned into him as honking horns and city life made its way through the open window.

“I planned on doing this at the end of brunch, but I like this moment better.” He gave me a quick kiss, removed himself from my grasp, and stood.

I protested and took his hand not wanting the cold to seep back in, “where ye going? I was comfortable. Don’t leave me.” I wanted to stay there all day with him, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep in his arms, tell him of my love for him. I never wanted him to leave. He was etched in my mind, body, and soul. This man had all of me.

Then I watched as he crouched down to fix his sock or something, but he wasn’t crouching.

The lad was kneeling.


“May you never steal, lie, or cheat. But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life. And if you must cheat, please cheat death, because I couldn’t live a day without you.” – Irish Proverb

Ilove this woman.

Do you think she’d say yes if I asked her to marry me?

Something tells me, chances are good.

I met with Daniel in secret weeks ago and asked him for his daughter’s hand. I know, it seems old-fashioned, but my family was taught to do things right.

Once I had Daniel’s approval, I needed Raymond’s. He agreed, as long as I can keep her protected.


The true test was asking her Gran the day of the gala. Do not get me started on her best mate Patrick. He was more than a little upset and thought I’d forget about asking him, too. We are damn near best mates now after our bonding session.

Gran brought up the short time it’s been since meeting Lili and that it seemed quite fast of a timeline. She smiled, leaned in and told me that is how her and her late husband did things. They knew they were in love with each other, heart and soul. A harmony of their hearts coming together as one. They sang to each other, just like Lili had told me. It’s beautiful.

June Hayes, or Gran as she’s loved to be called, gave me a tight hug, a kiss on the cheek, and most of all what I wanted to hear.

Her blessing.

Not to mention, she had the most important item I’d need.

The ring.

So here we are.

I had it all planned to ask her in front of her family after the brunch ended, but with certain circumstances taking place during the celebration, I obviously lost my chance there, not that I’m overly hurt about it, I’m more pissed off at her mom and never want to see this lady again. Patrick was right, she is a man woman.

The way Lili put things, her mother is no longer in her life, but what does that mean for her sister, Sadie? We will figure it out. One way or another, whether it be through Raymond or Gran, we will be sure Lili can visit.

I really wish Gran could see what I planned to do, it’s all she has ever wanted for her granddaughter.