Page 83 of Battle Born for You

When the door opened and the smell of warm baked items filled my nose, I received a knowing look from Alexander as heard my stomach growl. We laughed as I took his hand and led him further inside.

“Alexander, care to join me in the study? There is too little testosterone in here, us men need to stick together.” My stepfather Raymond held his hand out for Alexander to clasp, which he accepted.

“Go ahead, we are going to have girl talk anyway. Have fun with Raymond and Patrick in the study.” I kiss him sweetly then rush into the kitchen where everyone else is drinking mimosas, coffee, and there is sparkling grape juice for my little sister.

Tamara shoved a glass at me with yellow liquid, “mimosa, extra bubbles, light on the juice. You’re welcome.”

I took it, gave her a good hug, and grinned, “and that is why I love ye. Yer amazing.”

Gran thought of everything to eat, thankfully she didn’t have to slave over making the items, having instead catered the feast from a couple small shops nearby. There was enough spread out on the table to remind me of Harry Potter and the scenes of the Great Hall where mounds of food were to be had.

We gathered then we all immediately went wild.

So much of the yummy delicacies. You know when you eat too much and the relief of undoing the button on your trousers takes place? I’m at that point, but my trousers have no button, sadly. I’m going to have to work out extra for the next few days to burn this off.Zander might be able to help me with that.

Yes, I like the sound of that.

A devious grin forms on my lips and is noticed by him. He raises me a wink, no doubt wanting to continue what we were doing mere hours before this.

“Something on your mind?” Alexander asks, wanting me to voice it.

“Just happy to be with everyone.” I smiled and looked around the table at every single person here.

To my left sat Patrick and Gran. The head of the table held Raymond, next to him Guinevere, then Sadie, and Tamara. Alexander be on my right.Family.

My mum and I still had a very long way to mend any sort of relationship. To be honest, if it wasn’t for my sister Sadie, I would have nothing to do with mum.

I’m done giving in, it’s time she give a little herself.

They say to never burn your bridges, well, what if your bridges were never built to begin with?

Nearly finished with our meal, mum leaned forward and intertwined her fingers together, resting them on the table.

“So, Alexander. How are you coping with everything?” Her tone screams hidden meaning – this cannot be good.

He gives her a quizzical stare down, “what do you mean?” He knows what my mum has put me through, his hatred for her is palpable, in yet, he knows my reasonings for enduring this woman.

Her tone takes on something of boredom laced with darkness, “you know, Lili’s time with Isaac. She likely has given you her rendition of a sappy tale. Lili can be,overly dramatic.” She gives a wave of her hand in my direction.

I tense, my hands ball into fists into my lap. Alexander’s hand intertwines with mine and I can feel his body turn to stone.

“Guinevere!” Gran shrieks. Jaws drop from everyone at the table.

Thankfully, Sadie asked to go play with the girl across the way and is not here to witness this.

“He knows the truth; unlike the things ye have conjuredmother.” I bite back, trying my best to keep a level head, “he knows, and he accepts me, for me.”

Alexander gives my hand a squeeze for reassurance. He is ready to explode.

My mother has a twisted sense and has created these illusions for herself.

“Lili – Ye dinnae have to take this. Yer ma is a mad woman.” Patrick is quick to point out. Glad I’m not the only one to

“Patrick, mind your tone.”

Guinevere ignores Patrick’s jab and instead sneers.

“Oh, so he knows you were the one seducing Isaac-