Page 73 of Battle Born for You

And she is in my corner, wanting to see me succeed as well.

We lounged on the couch, her body pinning me down as she lay on top of me, about ready to fall asleep as we watched season four, episode three of Doctor Who. This episode I was definitely into; Pompeii and ancient Roman history is where it’s at.

“Would you like one more gift before today is over with?”

My question has her head popping up, a sleepy stare then a yawn escaping her, “if ye’re going say tiramisu, I don’t think I can stay awake, no matter how good the orgasm.”

Her body trembles as I laugh underneath her, “no, it’s not that,” she shifts to sit on the cushion next to me and I have this primal urge to prove her wrong. One thing at a time, Zander. What you have for her will hopefully make her day that much better.

“I wrote something – for you,” I start in and grab for my worn leatherbound notebook on the coffee table, “can I recite it to you?”

Lili takes my free hand after I open to the page I wanted, curiosity sparkling in her sleepy stare.

“Take me on a journey, Alexander.”

I smile and squeeze her hand before pausing and clearing my throat. This is written for her and her alone, it’s my way of taking one of the most trying times in her life and giving it positivity.

I release a shaky breath then it’s her turn to squeeze my hand and lend reassurance.

I can do this.

I can do this.

No such thing as can’t.

I’ve got this.

*Deep breath*

“To my beautiful Lili.

That fourteen-year-old that didn’t think she’d make it – take a good look at her now. She is one fierce warrior. The strength she has is cosmic – she continues to tread water, not willing to give in and sink, no matter how tired she’d be. The selfless acts she gives onto others, never does she want praise- the perseverance she encompasses – and the control she has in standing tall through it all. It’s immensely powerful.

Be inspiring. Spread your wings and fly – soar high bird, past the stars and galaxies, be the unstoppable woman you are. Bare your beauty to the universe – for you are the formidable Goddess Leto, ready to brave anything. Cast your light onto those who deserve you, and those who inspire you. Shine your light so that others may follow your path, and bask in your warmth, and sense your passion.

Be brave. Be true. Be uniquely you.

I love you.”

I finish reciting my message to Lili and keep my gaze downcast. She knows I’m not one for an audience or public speaking, although this moment holds a premonition of what is to be in our near future.

I’ve never been one to share my poems outside of my family, for Lili though, it’s welcomed and retains a sense of honor I never experienced while serving my country.

Her nimble fingers trail along my jawline, the subtle rasp and my pounding heartbeat are the only two things I can hear before lifting my eyes to meet hers.

Nothing but love shines within. Pure in its entirety.

“Ye are amazing.” She sobs and flings herself around my neck, her lips finding mine, cheeks damp with the onslaught of tears. Lili pulls back, face flushed, voice but a whisper, “thank ye.”

I brush away the rivulets streaming down her cheeks and bask in her carnal beauty.

“My love for you is eternal, Liliana.”



Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides. —Lao-Tzu