Page 65 of Battle Born for You

“Can you help lift him up to get his shirt off? I’ll get his clothing in the wash.”

I unclasp his belt then shuck off his trousers, adding them to the pile on the floor. Zander doesn’t stir as we jostle him around.

Once stripped and set in a clean pair of pants, Ford allowing me to take on that task, we settled him onto his side, concerned about him choking in his sleep. I gathered his soiled linens and threw them in the laundry. Behind me, Ford shut the bedroom light off and left the door ajar.

Laundry machine running, I made my way into the kitchen, finding Ford leaning against the counter, staring intently at one of my paintings in the dining area.

“I’m going to make some tea; would you like some?” I ask, filling the kettle. In no way will I be able to rest; I’m too nervous over Zander’s current state to leave him alone.

*Unimpressed* “Tea? Do I look like a tea drinker to you?” He asks, turning to glance at my reaction. He crosses his arms then smirks and winks.

I let out a laugh at his lighter mood, fully aware it’s a front he’s illustrating. “No, ye don’t. Although, I bet ye like sweet tea?”

He chuckles, “it’s like you know me.”

There is a certain glint in his eye that unnerves me.

He better not try using that Southern charm on me; my adrenaline is ramped up and I’m ready to take him down if need be.

No matter the size, I’ll still give it my best shot at standing my ground.

The thought is quashed at his next words.

“Corporal is so damned lucky to have you, darlin’.” His tone takes on a unique mixture of melancholy and delight, “For everythin’ the two of you have been through, for everythin’ he has done for me, it’s good to see him happy.” His crossed arms shake as he begins to chuckle, “you have no idea how big of an ass he could be at times.” He shakes his head, “now, if only you would have fallen formycharm, now that would’ve been somethin’.” Ford sighs dramatically, “I need someone to save my cattywampus ass.” He pauses, a grin playing on his face, “You wouldn’t happen to have a friend back home that you could hook me up with, would ya? I’m going to steer clear from the married ones this time.”

He nudges my shoulder at the jab to himself. We laugh together as the notion of needing to kick his arse recedes.

“The only mate I have back home likes men as much as you like hot tea,” he knows I am referring to Tamara; they met whilst she stayed a few days, they seemed to get along pretty well. I give him a nudge back, “Yer lass is out there, and when the time is right, the two of you will meet. Give it time.”

A few minutes go by with us standing side by side leaning against the counter, arms crossed as we stare at my‘Nightscape Harbor’painting I created the first night I arrived to my flat.

“Say, my walls at home could use some art. Maybe I can get you to do up one for me sometime.” He says gesturing to the painting.

My smile brightens, “I’d love to, Ford. Give me some time after the gala and I’ll have it done.”

Just then the kettle signals it’s at temp and out of habit I hurry to shut it off, so the noise won’t wake Zander.

“Think you’ll be okay alone with him? I’m gonna to give Shark a call, check on him, then maybe I’ll head to the gym.” He pushed off the counter, readying to leave.

“Ford, wait.” I pause and stare into the eyes; their back to hinting at his misery, “please, stay. I don't want you alone right now.”

His shoulders visibly relax, implying he secretly wanted to be here just in case.

He nods once, “I can do that.”

“Ford,” I set my mug on the counter and stand in front of him, “I want ye to remember that everything happens for a reason. The good and the bad. We are to work through it, to overcome it. To survive.” Gran’s words have ultimately made their mark and now it is my time to pass them on. “It’s the love of friends and family that will help ye through.”

He squeezes my shoulder and bends down, setting a kiss to the top of my head, “You are one wise woman, miss Lili."

The next hour flew by, sipping tea, switching laundry over, and mopping the floors. Anything that I can do to stay awake. I went in and checked on him every twenty minutes or so, then I snuggled with Hank on my sofa.Yes, I let him on my comfy sofa. As long as Hank and Ford keep the secret, Zander will be none the wiser.

Ford sprawled his bulky body out on the sofa, bottle of beer I found in the fridge is just about gone, he’s half-awake, and streaming a docu-series about the Roman Empire. I did not peg him to watch that type of show, but now I know what to fill our silence with when in need.

I overheard Ford’s voicemail to Shark and almost wish I hadn’t.

Ford:"Shark. Corporal isn’t in a good frame of mind. I had to hide his guns, now he took to the brown bottle. This might turn ugly. Give me a call when you can."

I had to give myself a few minutes before exiting my bedroom, not wanting a confrontation with Ford tonight. My mind spun at all the questions bubbling to the surface. What did he mean by he had to hide Zander’s guns? Would Zander harm himself? To others? How long has Zander’s mental state been spiraling out of control?