Page 53 of Battle Born for You

However, no tiramisu?How unfortunate.

How did he have time to do all this?

“Your eggplant parmigiana awaits madam. Something special will come later.” Zander declares with a mischievous glint then he bowed as a butler would and swiped a hand in gesturing to the table.

It’s then I’m taken back to the morning we first met.

It was a cloudy day on the back of the ambulance after I was attacked whilst on my morning stroll.

Disheveled hair and clothing, his left arm a sling, I’m still entranced by this man's mystery.

I will always be captivated by him.

He held his hand out, helping me off the step. The sun peaked out at that exact moment, casting a bright aura around him, and only further extending my desire to sketch him.

I knew I had it bad. Two minutes in this man’s presence and my senses went into overdrive, that zing of awareness I felt when we touched, it was monumental.

This was the moment I heard his music, his heart calling out to my own. Alexander’s heart held the harmony my heart searched for; I didn’t know it then what the sound truly was.

I know now.The sound is nothing I’ve ever heard before

My breath hitches as I take in the unique space, “You did this?”

It was beautiful, every bit of it. Something out of a fairytale.

Soft music played in the background,Hey Soul Sisterby Train and I see now Zander is taking on my musical tellings. He couldn’t have picked a better song that resembles us. Although, I’m certain we know we belong together.

Candles around the space dance with the melody, their flames igniting my fire and stoking my adoration.

He brought my hand to his lips for a kiss, a way to keep a constant connection between us as he led me to the dining table.

“I had the help of Tamara, Claire, and your dad.”

My eyes widened at his admission, “my father, too? Wow. He must like you.” I jest and give a playful nudge of his shoulder.

My father has been quite protective over his only daughter; protective and attentive.

He knew something was up these past few days, so when I made this sudden trip back home and kept him in the dark, his sleuthing went into action, but I also blame that on his boredom. I reassured him with my best positive tone that it was only to button up a few things for the gala and I’d be back in no time at all.

Zander chuckled hesitantly as he led me to my seat then pulled my chair out for me, “I hope I made a good impression.”

I smile as I sit down, “no doubt you have.”

With the lights low and dancing candlelight surrounding us, it all felt like a scene straight from a romance novel.

“This is beautiful.” I voice, still awed by everything as he pours my glass of wine.

“No.” He pours his own glass then placed the bottle back, “This is no comparison to the beauty you possess, my siren.”

My heart melts and the rest of my body reacts to his endearment.

As always, Zander blew me away with his tenderness.

I’m falling,‘ass-over-tit’as Tamara would put it, falling hard for this loving man before me.

We ate as we listened to the music of love, heartbreak, and forgiveness, giving the other person perceptive glances, expressive smiles, and light touches. Zander enjoys personal touch and affection, and the more he gives me, I find I’m beginning to like it.

Gran’s words fluttered through my mind and solidified my feelings for Alexander. It helped open my eyes, to take a chance at the unknown, to not be in fear of it, but to shout my warrior call and tell the world I am not afraid any longer.