Page 47 of Battle Born for You

*Demons laughter*Naïve Ford. Little does he know there are other ways to get the job done, Zander. It doesn’t have to be a gun.

I needed a distraction, where else better than my business. It be nice to bury myself in the endless stack of paperwork and the bar updates, but when I did, it’s as if every sappy song of love, loss, begging, and pleading played to patronize me with purpose.

Did Ford change the station to get under my skin? Or is it but a coincidence? I wouldn’t put it past the fucker to take this jab at me.

I had enough of hearing Florida Georgia Line’s,Stayand Theory Of A Deadman’sHurricane. The tipping point ended up being Bon Jovi’sI’ll Be There For You.

I inwardly exploded, experiencing the demons rising to the surface for a split second. There might’ve been a holler of a curse as I stood from my desk and raced to the door.

I slammed my office door shut and locked it, something I rarely ever did.

Silence. God. I needed silence.

Still, the damned songs kept ringing through my head.

*Misery*Lili, I’m sorry I did you wrong, I’m sorry I hurt you. Please forgive me. I can’t take much more of this. Please. Come home.

If we overcome this, I promise I will be the best I can be for her, for us. A promise I will not ever break. Not ever.

*Demons*Yes, you will. You will fuck up once again and Lili will cut ties. Just you wait, Zander. We will have you with us very soon.

Ignoring the games my mind plays, a different thought crosses my mind. What if I did as one of the songs said? What if I told Lili I love her? Do I have it in me?

Then again, is love supposed to hurt this much?

This can’t be normal.

Drained and far past exhausted, going on day four without her, I wake to find I’m laid out on the couch fully dressed in the workout gear from the night before. Ford and I went to his gym to blow off some steam, ending up staying well past midnight and completely exhausting our bodies.

The demons were still there, they’re still fucking with me.

Blinking, I find my pup staring at me, whimpering to be let out. I rub my eyes and peer out the window, the pink rays of dawn breaking through the clouds, giving a false sense of tranquility.

I know better. Growing up with a father in the Navy, a sailor in his spare time, seeing a pink morning is an omen, a warning if you will.

Pink night, sailors delight. Pink morning, sailors warning.

Rain is on the way today. What else is coming for this day?

Opening the back door for Hank I sit on the stoop and breathe in the cool morning air. I run a hand through my sleep tousled hair then pull my phone from my pocket finding a new message from Shark.

Shark-Just landed. I’ll be at your house in a few.

As I sit there staring at the message, he sends another one.

Shark-P.S. Bring you’re a-game. As you say, ain’t no time for fuckin’ slackers.

Whatever this news is promising, he seems to have it under control. He will keep Lili safe. I feel I’m unable to do so, at least until I hear her say she will take me back.

*Demons* If she will take you back… It’s doubtful. We are all you need Zander. All in good company.

Why is this happening now? Why didn’t her stepfather stay updated on the sealed documents?

Just one of the questions I’ve asked myself these many days.

I stood and stretched, my muscles screaming from the grueling session with Ford, the couch certainly didn’t help my cause. My phone chimed just as the pot of coffee finished brewing.

Excited and hopeful to find Lili’s name, instead I found a number I didn’t know. Before opening it, my military training took over. A brief thought this could be someone trying to get to Lili through me.