Page 38 of Battle Born for You

I glance at the clock on the end table to find it only six in the morning. I wonder what time she and Harrison got in; by the sound of it, they had a late night.

I sighed, laying there a few more minutes listening to the pitter patter of the rain falling outside the windows, until I couldn’t take it any longer andhadto get up.

This time she allowed me to untangle from her.

One thing Tamara has always been great at is cuddling. It’s her way to show affection.

Don’t let her fool you with her bubbly, outgoing, happy-go-lucky persona; Tamara has secrets too. It takes a lot for her to put her heart out there, it’s also why every girl she has hooked up with has only been that: a hook up. Tamara isn’t on the pull as much as she would like me to believe. A long holiday would fix that problem for her. *Sigh*Yes. Somewhere warm and beachy. That would cheer her up.

After brushing my teeth, and popping a few headache tamers, I tried shaking off whatever this dreadful feeling was. Maybe it’s just a wine haze. It’s been quite a while since I’ve consumed that much. Yes, let’s blame the wine.

By the time I leave the lav, I find Tamara out of bed still in her silver sequin dress from the night prior. She’s stretching her arms high in the air and shaking out her poufy bedhead.

“How are you feeling, love?” She asks on a yawn.

I close my eyes and scrub my forehead just as thunder rumbles outside. I feel exactly like the weather; dreary, foggy, a bit chilled.

*Groggy* “I need a pot of coffee in order to function.”

She smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes, “we have to make that priority number one of course.” Then she draws closer and eyes me with skepticism, “do you remember anything from last night? You were close to being off your rocker.”

I meet her gaze as her hand gently brushes hair away from my face, the worry in her stare has me questioning what all took place.

I don’t remember much about last night. The last thing I can recall is Tamara tucking me into bed.

“Don’t tell me I made a fool of myself in front of Harrison.” I groan with the onset of embarrassment.

The only time she masks her emotions from me is when she is hiding something dreadful. She’s doing so now.

“No, love.” She says as she bites her lip.

*Confusion* “What happened then?”

I try racking my brain to recall anything from last night. There wasn’t a thing there. The wine gave me the best sleep I’ve had in a while. That tone she uses though, it’s the tone used after one of my nightmares. Did I have a nightmare?

She must sense my frustration because she sets a hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t stress yourself out about it.” She pauses as she studies my face waiting for my reaction.

I knew that dreadful feeling had to be something more. I furrow my brow and do the exact opposite of what she said.

She’s hesitant to continue, “you – wanted Alexander.”

My face falls and eyes widen, my voice barely a whisper.

“What did I say?”

She continues cautiously, speaking slow and gentle, “We came home and heard you screaming. It wasn’t Gran you called for – it was Alexander.” Her eyes are sympathetic as they study my reaction, “I couldn’t take your sobbing, so I wrapped myself around you to try and get you to quiet. It broke my heart.”

Well, shite.

“It’s going to be alright,” she takes my hand and squeezes, “We have a plan. Don’t you worry.”

All I can do is nod. What else is there to do?

If anything, I need to have trust.

*Monster*Ooh, my little flower, don’t be so sure now. You’re not getting rid of me that easily. Look where trusting me lead you.