Page 36 of Battle Born for You

My ever-devoted assistant did her research on Alexander. Always looking out for me. Tamara informed Gran that the man I’m with is a decorated Marine veteran, is a business owner, and donates generously to the cancer center in his area.

What they do not know is how much lay beneath the exterior; he’s kind, will lend a hand when you need it, is passionate, intimate, and bears the weight of so many around him. He sets others before himself, stretches himself too thin.

It's Gran’s approval I pine for above anyone else.

“Alexander went behind my back; how can I forgive him?”

“We all make mistakes, love.” Tamara remarks. “Have you asked him why he did it?”

“There wasn’t time before our flight.” Not exactly true, I knew if I opened my mouth, things would’ve been spouted that I’d soon regret. Silence seemed to be the best solution.

Having thought it over during the long flight, I’m positive I would’ve done things differently, stayed in bed a bit longer. Would this have gone badly if we found the file together? At least then he and I could’ve sat down, talked this through.

I feel defeated.

Rather than deal with Alexander and his looks of worry, I requested Ford drive me home to pack, then he dropped Shark and I off at the airport, not before promising to keep an eye on Zander for me. They truly are brothers.

“Dear, do ye remember when yer father first arrived? He wanted to know everything about ye; he asked so many questions.” Gran quiets when a couple passes our table, “while he doesn’t know yer truth, Dan is no numpty. He and Alexander are trained to dig fer details. It’s in their nature.”

I guess I can agree with that. They are only doing what was instilled in them, but there should be a line they know they should not cross.

I heave a sigh, “Why does life have to be tits-up all the time? Can’t we have a break?” *Groan* Now I’m sounding more of my mum. Not a good thing. My fingers rake over my scalp and my eyes close.

“Ah lass, if yer only lookin’ for the negatives in life, that is all ye will ever reap. Ye need to look beyond everythin’ and see how much the great outweighs it.” Gran knew what to say to have her words sink in. I’d expect nothing less from her.

“That was a brilliant way of putting things, could not have said it any better.” Tamara grins, “he is a considerable upgrade from Zane.”

“Is that the rockstar lad?” Gran asks.

Tamara, why must you flap your jaw to Gran about everything? Such a tattle.

I groaned and tossed my hands in a dramatic fashion, “Gah! Shut yer pus (be quiet). Why must you bring him up?”

Tamara leaned in closer with a determined glimmer in her eye, “because you still have to call him, or did you forget you stood him up?”

“I’ll have you know; I did call his mobile. His number must’ve changed.” I return her stare two-fold, “does that please you?”

Her grin widens, “Just so. Good riddance to the wanker.”

“Oh, it’s that one. What a tube (stupid person).” Gran deadpans then her features sober, “that’s what the youngsters say now, right?”

Tamara must’ve filled in Gran on her spat with Zane and not to me.What is happening?

We all laugh at Gran’s confusion of new slang. As we settle my mobile chimed with a text. Pulling it from my pocket, I see not one, but two messages. The newest came in from Shark, telling me he finished his meeting with Raymond and is heading back to the flat for a nap.

The other message shouldn’t surprise me, but it did.

Zander-Good morning beautiful.

He’s sending his daily morning text, the promise he made me when we first met.

Alexander is not giving up on us.

“Uh-oh, I know that look.” Tamara sets her cup down and pulled out her mobile, “it’s time we take a trip to Mayfair for comfort food. Let’s order takeaway curry from that amazing Indian restaurant.” She peeks at me as she taps her screen, “I also have the perfect distraction for you back at the flat.”

Gran stands, “That is my cue to be off. I’m meetin’ a certain someone for dinner tonight.” Her grin widens, cheeks pinkening a bit.

“How exciting. You better fill me in on how it goes. Morton is so sweet.” Tamara pockets her mobile then stands to give Gran a hug.