Page 35 of Battle Born for You

*Monster*You’re not getting rid of me that easily little flower. I’ll be seeing you very soon.

“Alright. I’ll keep you updated.” Shark’s tone snaps me out of the trance.

Silence fills the space now; they’re waiting for my breakdown. Well, here it is, my mind has locked any and all emotions away. I’ve closed myself off from everyone. It’s for the best.

Time to pack, snag a Xanax for the ride, and become numb. Ever-so numb.

Zander’s arms are around me, his grip tightening as he tries to hide his trembling, “I promise, this will all get straightened out. We have you. You are safe.”

His whispers will not sink in. How does he know it will work out? No one can be sure of it.

One thing is certain, I need time away from Zander to clear my head.

An ocean between us might do the trick.

Landing In Londonby 3 Doors Down kept cycling through my shuffles during the plane ride and as the song would have it, it has me thinking of nothing but Alexander. Should I take this as a sign? Music is a guide for me, a way to tell someone my thoughts and emotions, but this, this is different. The music is speaking to me this time, or at least it feels that way. I’m torn and in need of guidance.

I need my Gran.

At our café nestled just outside the city, you can always find a good cuppa, fresh scones, and a relaxing atmosphere, this day however had a dark ominous hinderance hanging over my head. I’m grateful there are only two other patrons sat down, too many more and I’d want to leave. If my body language and black attire were enough to tell my story, it confirms I’m not in the mood to be very people-y today.

You can say I might’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed. Or it could be jet lag.

Either way, it’s best to not cross me.

My thoughts are clouded. I need my Gran; her warm embrace and wise words are exactly what I crave and why I love her. If anyone can help me understand this rollercoaster I’m stuck on, it’s Gran.

June Hayes, better known to all as Gran, is a spirited lass from Glasgow. Her long strawberry blonde hair is most times in a braid, something she began donning when I asked to play and style her hair as a wee lass. She’s confident, selfless, and a doer. Even after everything we’ve been through, my Gran is my light, the beacon that has guided me through tumultuous waters and who has steered me in open seas rather than allowing me to crash into the rocky shore.

She is the most beautiful soul out there.

As the hour crept around, not one word is brought up about the monster, this is not the place for any of that. Only happy telling right now.

Gran filled me in on her two-week trip to Australia, Tamara was excited about the gala preparations, and I had an update about my dad’s recovery process. Wouldn’t you have it, my blasted love life had to be next, thanks to Tamara’s flapping jaw.

“So, tell us more about this hunky man of yours.” Tamara eyes me over the rim of her latte, “he’s quite taken with you.”

"I see yer having fun with Alexander.” Gran beamed as she took a sip from her cup, eyeing me expectantly then she snickered, “ah, look at ye blush. He’s a keeper then.”

“Oi! Hush now.” Seriously, is anything private in my life anymore?

Tamara is unrelenting as she cradled her latte, “the look he gives you; *wistful sigh* he is so in love.”

There is a pause as they wait for my details of Alexander. Visions of our time together, more of the good than the bad flow through my mind. In yet there is still something niggling at me.

“I don’t know what we are anymore.” I state truthfully, “It’s too dangerous for him to be with me.” I bite my lip to hold back what my mind would like to say, how I’m more than taken with him.

“That’s utter shite and ye know it.” Gran takes my hand in hers.

“I second that.” Tamara agrees.

Did my Gran, the teacher who only uses nice words, just toss off a curse?Wow,Australia has allowed her to really relax. Maybe it’s the new lad she’s seeing. I’ll be sure to get all the details from her on that subject.

Love seems to be in the air as of late.

Love? That isn’t what Alexander and I have,is it?

“There’s untruth in what ye speak, dear.” Gran’s tone softens as a look of nostalgia sweeps across her features, “I do wish Zander could’ve visited; I want to meet the handsome man who has stolen my granddaughter’s heart. All things will work themselves out in the end.”