Page 31 of Battle Born for You

Does he deserve it after everything?How much good outweighs the bad?

It’s there, hidden within the hospital notes and the therapy sessions; the one thing I know for certain will turn him away, wishing he never knew me. *Anguish*Christ.It’s all right there, right down to the disgusting nickname he called me.

*Monster* Ah, yes, you will always be my little flower.

I cannot retain my shudder at the vial ways Isaac announced his ownership over me. Alexander has possessed me, but he doesn’t own me, not like my monster. My skin is eternally branded, a mental state teetering on the edge of insanity most days due to this beast.

Here I thought Alexander would one day be the person to take over ownership. What is the likelihood?

We were doing so well these past days too.

These papers will be my ending, our ending.

“Let me get this straight. Your tellin’ me this guy is in jail and is keepin’ tabs on Lili? How the fuck is that possible?” Ford asked, placing his coffee on the side table next to the chair.

I would love to know the bloody answer to that.

Shark has not an ounce of party in him now. This man is lean but not what one would call small. Pair that with a sharp intellect, that captivating sun-kissed skin, and his laid-back behavior, Harrison screams sex appeal with an edge. Yesterday he looked ready to ride waves on a surfboard, not hunt bad people.Ifound outShark happened to be inlaid-backmode yesterday. The second he caught sight of my reaction this morning, he slid into Marine mode.

I’m beginning to see Harrison’s true colors come through; he has unfinished business.

I’m intrigued,heavily raging, but intrigued all the same.

I have to ask myself; do I think I’m intimidating?Sometimes, I guess.I ask this because Shark has not once met my gaze while telling us of his findings. He knows I do not fancy him right now.

Visions of me sparring with Shark, knocking him to the floor while I lean over him, my breathing coming quick, and heart thrumming wildly, asking if he’s had enough yet.

This needs to become reality.

“I believe he has eyes and ears within the department he worked for. I do not know their names yet; it may be an old partner or someone to whom he was close. I have not found the reason behind it other than he is keeping tabs. His obsession will only increase as time goes by.”

Zander curses under his breath, “Who does this fucker think he is? How is he getting away with this?”

My eyes lock for a brief second with Zander before they fall back to my lap.

If they only knew. Eyes and ears are everywhere.

It’s why I’ve remained silent on social media and interviews.

“It’s only speculation, nothing solid yet. I’m flying out tonight to get more details.” Shark held out his hand asking for the folder.

I shake my head. Its bad enough Shark has viewed so much of my private life; I’m not wanting anyone else involved. Too many know as it is.

He heaves a sigh and drops his hand, “I have a guy back at my office who I trust with this case. He-

“You brought more people into this!” Zander shouts, grabbing a fist full of Shark’s shirt and slamming him against the wall, a forearm pinning him in place. Shark held his hands up, “I’m going to kick your ass, Harrison!”

That growl was not the Alexander I’ve come to know. He is not himself in this moment.

“¡Maldita sea! (Goddamnit!)”Ford shouts his curse as he tries pulling Zander off, “¡Basta! (Enough)Alright boss, time to take a chill pill.”

He grips Zander under his arms and around his chest, easily pulling them apart. Shark rubs his neck for a second but otherwise seems fine. This is the first time I have witnessed Alexander lash out at someone; the sight should frighten me, but it doesn’t.

He’s being protective.

“I deserved that.” Shark murmurs.

“You deserve a hell of a lot more.” Zander growls, his breaths coming quick, “Whois helping you? So help me, if they say so much as a word about this-