Page 19 of Battle Born for You

Do you think I could tame Ford’s Southern charm?

Hell no.

That man is back and forth between two women who travel to town for their work, I think both of them might even be married. The bastard is going to end up in a sticky situation if their husbands find out.

It’s none of my business what he does as long as it’s not popping pills.

‘The hens can’t get enough of this cock,’is his motto and he takes pride in never wanting to settle down again.

Shark started his own security firm in Virginia Beach, hiring only retired military and police officers as his elite staff. The wounds he incurred were fragment blasts from both strikes; his left side taking on a substantial peppering of shrapnel and he came at losing an eye. He says the chicks dig his battle scars, earning him pussy anytime he turns around.

Each one of us thrived on maintaining our normalcy anyway we could. The three of us had our vices and were always on the go. It was the only way to keep the demons caged in our mind, the thoughts of that day with it.

Shutting everyone out and locking myself away in the sanctity of my office, my safe place, was necessary to do until I got over whatever plagued my dismal thoughts.

My sister stopped by the bar one morning, finding me stuffed away in my office where I usually resided.

I was in a funk, we all had days like that, but sometimes my days turned to weeks and before you knew it a month would pass. I would beat myself down, bury myself in work and the bar, not visiting my family or friends. Hell, I barely made it back to my house to sleep most nights; the well-worn loveseat is probably why my shoulder and back feel like flames are searing the inside.

I just needed to be left alone to go through whatever was eating at me.

This day though, was the day my life changed once again.

“The sun is shining; you need to get out of this office.” Emma placed a hand on her hip and a determined scowl etched her features.

Shit, I let my beard grow out again. At least it wasn’t at the length she could yank at it yet, so I’m safe there.

I groaned, “Why? I have so much paperwork-

“Fuck that. Get your ass out of that chair- or I will have Ford do it for you.” My sister commands, making my lips twitch.

I’ll have you know my sister is not one to swear, so she must be pretty pissed off about something.

Ford walked into the room and gave me that knowing crack of his knuckles, telling me he isn’t messing around either.

Maybe it’s best I do as she says.

My hands come up in surrender, “Fine.” I stand and watch the two of them smirk at one another then give each other high-fives. “Where are you taking me?” I ask, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, not remembering the last good night sleep I had. Two weeks? Three?

Fuck my shoulder hurt. I needed to get back to the gym; that seemed better than any physical therapy appointment. The bar always has some crisis, call-in, or breakdown needing my attention.

I needed to get my shit together.

“You’ll see.” This statement said in that tone of hers can mean anything.

I should be worried.

After making a pit stop at our friend’s bookstore café for a well-needed sandwich, amazing cup of coffee, and of course so Emma could snag the latest romance novel she has been dying to get her hands on, we ended up at the last place I’d expect to be.

“Why the hell are we here? I thought your condo didn’t allow dogs?” I ask as we pull into the parking lot of our local animal shelter.

The new condo her and Wyatt purchased after marrying had a strict policy with the HOA. Is she trying to get reprimanded right after buying the place?

She waves her hand, “we found out we can have small dogs under twenty pounds.” She opens her door and steps out of her sedan, “and you’re going to help me pick one.”

She slams her door signaling the conversation is over.

I let my head fall back onto the head rest. I close my eyes and take in a few deep breaths knowing I have too much shit going on atHarbors Edgeto help my sister pick out a fricken puppy.