Page 100 of Naive in Love

I wrap my arms around his neck, placing my head on his shoulder and hugging him tightly. His body is rigid with anger and annoyance, but as I hold him, he begins to soften. A couple of quiet minutes pass before he wraps his arms around me tightly. His lips leave a few soft kisses on my neck between a couple ofI’m sorrys.

I sit up and say, “There’s more.”

He nods. “Go on.”

I try to move off him, but he holds my hips, keeping me on his lap.

“The incident I saw between him and Emily was not the first time. Supposedly, it had been going on for some time. So now you see. He did it all. You still wanting me after everything, coming to my rescue…is more than I expected or deserve. I love you.”

“I love you too.” He places a soft kiss on my lips before he asks, “Why did Wes tell you?”

“That’s the one thing Lena and I never figured out. He asked me to never repeat what he said because they were still friends and roommates, but he said that he felt sorry for me because Caleb was playing me. I told Lena that day, but no one else. He risked his friendship telling me, so I wanted to respect that by keeping my mouth shut. So please don’t say anything.”

“Of course not. You’re mine now. I have nothing to gain by saying anything. But tell me why you’re scared of him.” His last words are careful and controlled.

“There’s no one thing I can put my finger on, but he scares me. He pushes too hard and doesn’t listen to me. Like when he grabs me, holding me so hard it’s painful, or doesn’t let me go or corners me. I don’t like it. He’s been this way the whole time, but he gets worse when I’m not doing what he wants.” Ethan’s body begins to tense.

“Baby, wh…no never mind. We’ll figure it out.” He leans me into his chest again, holding tightly. “I’m going to walk you to class from now on. If I can’t, one of the guys will. I don’t want you by yourself right now. Especially because you don’t feel safe. I hope you don’t mind.”

I don’t mind. I’m actually relieved at the offer. As much as Ethan doesn’t want me by myself, I don’t want to run into Caleb on my own either.

“I’m fine with that. Actually, I would prefer it. I was just thinking how lucky I am to have found you.”

He gently pushes me away from him. “I am the lucky one.”


Ethan leavesthe apartment to pick up some things from his house with the promise of returning later. Home alone, I begin to dwell on the situation I am in. It is ridiculous I have to be escorted to class so I can feel safe. It is absurd. The more I stew on it, the angrier I become.

I work myself into a tizzy, so I call my mom to vent. My mom answers, and I do not give her time for pleasantries before I spew out everything that happened this morning.

My mother is quiet except for the occasional sounds or mumbles letting me know she’s listening. I finish with Ethan’s plan to walk me to and from class.

“Sophia, you are not going to like what I have to say, but I am your mother.” She pauses, ensuring she has my full attention.

“Okay.” I answer meekly, nervous about what’s to come.

“I want you home. Now. I told you just a few days ago I was uncomfortable with you there. We will be there tomorrow, and we are bringing you home.”

The shock of what she says has me temporarily speechless. “But Mom. I can’t. I have classes. I don’t want to fail. Please, Mom, don’t. Not yet.” I begin pleading, begging for her to change her mind.

“Sophia, stop. You call me with this, and what did you expect? For me to listen and hang up with no qualms? You and your sister are our lives. I can’t protect you from here.” I can hear her soft cries.

“Mom, I promise I won’t do anything to put myself at risk. I can’t let him rule my life. He already did for too long. Not anymore.” I continue trying to persuade her.

“I’m going to speak with your father tonight, and we will call you. I’m not making any promises.” I sigh a minuscule breath of relief. I know my mom means well, but she sometimes jumps the gun. My dad is the reasonable one who carefully plans before committing to anything.

“Okay.” I concede, knowing this is my best option.

The front door opens just as I hang up. I walk out of my room to greet Lena. I follow her into her room, sharing the events of the morning and ending with the call to my mom.

Ethan and Mikereturn with grocery bags in hand.

“Taco dinner tonight, ladies.” Mike tells us as he begins to take things out of the bags, shoving them in the fridge. I sit at the table watching the guys making themselves at home in our kitchen.

“Love it. Great dinner, and looks like I don’t have to cook it,” Lena says in her happy sing-song voice.

We all settle in the living room, the TV on as everyone reads or does homework. My mom texts me a quick message letting me know my dad is on his way home and they will be talking.