Page 92 of Naive in Love

She is flawless—thin with dirty-blond hair and blue eyes. She reminds me of a celebrity or model, with perfect makeup, not a hair out of place, and what seems to be an enhanced chest. Her wardrobe choice is not what a Hayes woman would wear. Now I may be putting together the pieces of why his dad is allowing Ethan to walk his own path. If this woman’s wardrobe is as trendy at the party tomorrow, his dad does not follow the “family rules” either. I wonder how Ethan has missed this.

“What can I get you?” his dad asks. “I’m making a couple of vodka martinis.”

I look at Ethan for guidance. He is of age to drink, but I’m not.

“I’ll make us vodka tonics.” He pulls out a stool for me before going around the island to where his dad has a small, stocked bar.

“Sophia, have we met before?” his dad asks as he brings Evelyn her drink.

“Probably. I have been to your family functions,” I answer honestly. She raises her eyebrows in gossip-style curiosity.

“You have?” Evelyn says.

Ethan stills from mixing our drinks, watching me.

“Yes. I’ve been to a few of these functions with Preston.” My heart is hammering in my chest wondering what Ethan’s dad thinks of me.

“You dated Ethan’s cousin?” Evelyn asks with a hint of judgment.

I immediately shake my head back and forth, but before I can respond Ethan jumps into the conversation.

“Of course she hasn’t. Preston is one of her best friends. How do you think we met?” His annoyance with her question is apparent.

“Oh, sorry,” she replies insincerely. “I just don’t know why a guy would take a friend to this type of family function.”

She begins to remind me of a social climber. His father is quiet during this exchange, watching things unfold.

“Because he didn’t have a girlfriend and didn’t want to go alone. I went to school with several of Ethan’s cousins, so I also know Mr. Hayes’s sisters,” I add, simply wanting Evelyn to know I am not out for the money, whether she is or not.

“Yes, Charles mentioned you in conversation earlier,” Ethan’s dad says. “He and Diana speak very highly of you. You grew up with Preston?” I nod my head, smiling slightly, the tension that had been building dissipating with the help of Preston’s parents.

He knows and has been asking about me. Ethan walks over with our drinks, placing them in front of us. He stands by me and rests his hand at the small of my back. I can feel his thumb running small circles, trying to help comfort me.

“Yes, sir. We’ve been friends since middle school.”

“So proper and polite. Nice change, son.” His comment rubs me the wrong way.

“Nice of you to approve.” Ethan’s response is curt.

“Settle down, son. I know we had our rocky years, and you had some questionable moments, but I’m happy you have found someone like Sophia to make you happy. Just testing the waters because you know we need thick skin to come out unscathed in this family.”

Ethan nods, conceding his father’s point. “Do you ever get tired of it?”

“We’ve been through this. The only reason I’m allowed to call my own shots is Charles and I are equals in running the company. If I was of no use in the company, I would probably be shunned too. That is why I tell you, get that business degree so that you are always a part of the family business, not just a trust fund brat.” I am surprised by this revelation. His dad really is ballsy, and now I see where Ethan gets his determined mindset.

Rick then looks at me with a caring smile. “You know my family. You’re not just arm candy for my son. From what I’ve heard, you’re also proper and smart. I’m glad.”

“But—” Ethan starts, but his dad interrupts.

“Ladies, if you will excuse us.” He motions with his head to the door, and Ethan follows him into the other room.

As soon as they leave the room, Evelyn begins, “So what year are you?”

“I’m a freshman. This is my first year.”

“Do you have a major in mind?” She seems to be trying to be pleasant and polite. I wonder if she knew Rick was trying to push buttons.

“No. To be honest, I’m floating right now. I’m not sure what interests me enough to commit a lifetime career to.” I decide to be honest since it’s not a secret. “And you, what do you do?” I’m curious about her.