“Why does he think all you need is time when you’re dating Ethan?”
Lena lets out a grunt, holding in a laugh. My mom looks at her, raising her brows.
“He doesn’t know they’re together. Sof hasn’t told him,” Lena answers my mom frankly.
My mom throws me a look before asking, “Why haven’t you told him?”
“Because…I thought it would make it worse. Ethan is the reason he stayed with me. I figured it would piss him off worse. If I just made it about him and his cheating, I thought it would be better.”
“Why are you so worried about making him mad? He wasn’t worried about your feelings when he was with that girl.”
I take a deep breath, not quite ready for this admission. “Because…he scares me when he’s mad. That’s why.”
“See. I knew it. I knew there was more. I need you to be honest about these things. I can’t protect you if I don’t know.” My mom’s voice cracks.
I nod my head, succumbing to the reality of Caleb’s actions and his inability to keep boundaries.
* * *
Lena wentto Preston’s so she could spend some time with his parents before the event tomorrow. I’m reading when the doorbell announces a visitor. I open it to Ethan wearing a mischievous smirk.
I give him a hug and kiss before asking, "What are you doing here?"
"Picking you up for an early dinner to meet my mom."
My eyes shoot open immediately. "What do you mean dinner with your mom? A heads-up would've been nice, you know." I am tempted to say no because I’m nervous to meet her and have not prepared myself for this introduction.
"Figured I would surprise you. Go on and get changed." He walks into the living room and takes a seat, grabbing the remote. "Hurry up. We meet her in less than an hour." I watch him with my mouth slack.
"I'm seriously going to kill you for this." I run up the stairs to change and freshen my makeup.
I am already nervous about meeting Ethan's dad tomorrow. I’ve been to these family functions, and I know Preston's parents and a couple of his aunts as well. Their kids went to school with us. I have seen Ethan’s dad but have never been formally introduced. I rush, not wanting tardiness to be his mom's first impression of me.
“Okay, I’m ready.” I puff out a breath.
He laughs at my uneasiness before standing up.
He looks at me and grabs my hand, saying, “You have absolutely nothing to worry about. She’s going to love you, just like I do.” He kisses my forehead and laces our fingers together before walking us out.
“Are you as nervous about meeting my dad tomorrow?” he asks as he drives to the restaurant.
“Yes and no.” I shrug my shoulders answering honestly, but vaguely.
“And what does yes and no mean?”
“I am. Really I am, but since I know some of your family, it doesn’t feel quite so bad.”
“I guessed you may have attended one of these things with Preston, but how many have you been to?”
“Throughout high school? Umm…” I think back. “Three. But I’ve also met your aunts a bunch of times at school events.”
“Sometimes I forget how well you know some of my family. You probably know my family better than I do.” His voice sounds sad and distant.
“No, I really don’t. Don’t forget how guarded your family is. I know the public persona. The only ones I really know are Preston and his parents. I spent a lot of time at his house.” I pause, wondering what he is thinking. “Do you ever think how weird it is that we never met?”
“No. I am the family’s dirty little secret. I was doing everything they despised.”
We arrive at the restaurant, and he escorts me inside. We follow the hostess to the table his mom is occupying. As soon as she sees us, she stands and opens her arms to give Ethan a hug. Then she turns to me and hugs me softly.