Page 10 of Naive in Love

Jason interrupts him by coming to my other side, grabbing my hand and saying, “Another round?”

I am about to hop off my stool when Caleb lets go of Emily’s hand, grabs mine, and drags me to the center of the dance floor.

We begin to dance, but it is forced. His body is rigid as he grips my hand almost painfully while glaring at me. My blood heats right back up remembering Emily’s smirk earlier and his indifference toward me at the table a few minutes ago.

My buzz doesn’t help me keep my mouth shut. “What the hell is your problem? If you don’t want to dance with me, you should’ve just come out here with Emily like you were about to!”

I try to pull away, but he tightens his arm around my waist.

“What the hell is my problem? You have the audacity to ask what my problem is when you were flirting with Jason in front of me? Really?” he whispers forcefully in my ear.

“I was flirting with Jason?” Confusion sweeps over me.

“Yeah, you were laughing and all over him on the dance floor earlier.” he sneers.

All I want to do is get away; tears threaten to make an appearance. How can he say I was flirting when he was dancing with Emily? Completely embarrassed by the spectacle, I drop my head, placing my forehead on his chest and hiding my face. I wiggle and pull my hand out of his, feeling the pressure of his grip lingering, to dab the corners of my eyes. I take a long, deep breath trying to get control of myself.

I look back up. “Look…I don’t want to fight with you…I’ll call an Uber, and we can call it an evening. And for your information, I wasn’t flirting with Jason, I was dancing. Just like you were dancing with Emily, just like you were going to do again until Jason asked me to dance. I don’t—”

“Emily is a friend. I was dancing with afriend. Jason is not your friend. He was flirting with you. I should know. I have known him for years. He's not someone you want to let your guard down with. He doesn't treat girls with respect.” Caleb brings up his thumb to wipe away another tear that has escaped from my eye, then he places his hand over mine, which is sitting on his chest.

“ButIwas dancing, not flirting. I thought I was dancing with your friend. I thought we were all having good time. That is until I came back to the table, and you ignored me. If you don’t trust your friends, that is on you, not me. You should probably let me know things like that before going off with another girl.”

“You may have thought it was only dancing, but Jason is infamous for his one-night stands. The girls seem to fall for his charisma and suave dancing. You even looked impressed with those dancing abilities.”

“To be honest I was. I have been dancing for years, and I knew I could keep up with him. But that was it. I just wanted to let loose on the dance floor because it’s been a while since I’ve been dancing. I’m here with you. I never once forgot that.”

He leans down, nuzzling our noses. “I’m sorry. I just know how Jason is, and I didn’t like seeing you with him. I don’t want to lose you to him.” He presses our lips together. “Forgive me.” He gives me puppy dog eyes.

I simply nod, unsure of what happened but not wanting to continue fighting. He glides his arm around my waist, encircling me tightly, and kisses me deeply.

He pulls away, kissing the tip of my nose. “Let’s get a drink.”

We spend the rest of the night joined together, fingers interlaced, only dancing with each other until Caleb asks me, “Ready to go?”

“Sure.” I respond, relieved to end this evening and all the emotions that went along with it.

“We’re heading out,” Caleb announces to the group.

“Wait, can you give me a ride?” Emily asks.

“Didn’t you come here with the boys?” Caleb responds.

“Yes, but they aren’t leaving yet, and I’m ready to go. Is that okay?” she continues.

“Come on,” Caleb tells her.

I internally frown at the thought of being in that same car as her.

We walk out of the club, my hand laced with Caleb’s, which eases my feelings about Emily coming with us. The drive is quiet except for the music on the radio.

“Why are you exiting here? I thought Sophia lives on campus?” Emily asks.

“To drop you off,” he responds.

“Why would you drop me off, go to campus, then come back to the apartment?” she continues.

My curiosity goes into overdrive wondering if she lives with the guys. I wait with bated breath to hear his response.