Confused why he seems troubled and unable to speak, I ask, “What’s wrong?”
“I talked to Preston…”
“Okay. And?”
“Let me ask you something.”
“Did you see Caleb today?” Shit. How could he possibly know?
“Yes.” I whisper. “I tried to make him leave, but he wouldn’t. Kept saying we were going to get back together.” I fear Ethan will be angry with me.
“Is that all?”
Embarrassed tears begin to slide down my cheeks, I answer, “No.”
“What else happened?” His voice is steady.
“He…uh….” The tears begin to fall faster, and a sob escapes me.
There’s a pounding on my door, and Ethan’s says on the phone, “Open the door for me.”
Walking to the door, the sobs come faster. I unlock the deadbolt and open the door. Ethan rushes in, enveloping me in his arms. I drop my phone, thankful to be in his arms.
He pulls back and takes my face in his hands. “What else happened?”
As I’m trying to control my breathing through the crying, he walks us to the couch and sits down, bringing me onto his lap.
“He…uh… I can’t. I don’t want you mad at me.” The sobs begin again, and I look down.
“I need you to talk to me. What happened?” he says gently.
“He kissed me and…” I blurt out and stop, not able to say the next part.
“And? What else did he do?” He hugs me close.
“He said I was his because he popped my cherry. And he rubbed me,” I mumble into his chest.
His body tenses under me, and his arms tighten around me. I continue to cry, all the emotions jumbled. He continues to rock me and hum while rubbing his hand up and down my arm. When I finally relax and the tears stop, he gets up with me in his arms and walks us to my room. He slides my robe over me and yanks off the towel I’m wrapped in.
“Can we talk now?” he asks me gently.
I nod. Filled with shame, I go to my bed and curl up in the corner.
He lays down, giving me space, and asks, "Tell me exactly what happened?"
I look at my comforter, not able to look him in the eyes as I tell the story. "When I came home after class, he was sitting at the front door. I didn't want to come inside and him follow me, so I made him talk to me outside. He just kept saying we were getting back together, and I kept telling him no. He was frustrating me, so I pushed him, but he caught my wrists and pulled me to him. That’s when he…said that about…you know. He rubbed on me and kissed me. He was holding my wrist so I couldn’t get away. And I…I was scared. I froze. I just stood there like an idiot letting him. I’m sorry.”
“No. Don’t you ever be sorry for that. He…” Ethan growls as he moves closer, bringing me back into his warm embrace.
After a bit, my mind clears, and I ask, “What made you call and come over?”
“I spoke with Preston. But Lena has the full story. Get dressed, she should be here soon.”
As soon as Lena walks in the door, we bombard her with questions.