Page 69 of Naive in Love

He releases me and takes a step toward her. In that instant, I flee, running out the door, down the stairs, past a couple of buildings until I see the complex pool. I sit on one of the lounge chairs and pull a cigarette out of my clutch. I light up, taking a couple of drags, letting it ease my nerves. I look around, afraid Caleb will find me. I get up and continue to walk around, thinking about what to do next. My feet are killing me from dancing in heels all night.

I walk past an apartment where people are standing around drinking with the front door wide open, music drifting out.

“Why the long face?” a guy asks.

I continue to walk lifting the cigarette to my mouth.

“No answer?” he walks toward me.


“Yup, you’re the only one wearing a frown around here.” The guy smiles.

I shrug my shoulders. “Bad day, I guess.” I don’t want to admit what I just encountered.

He stops in front of me and extends his hand out. “Bradley. And you are?” He waits for me to answer then says, “Looks like you could use a drink. Come on.” He turns me back toward the apartment.

There are so many people congregated in a small space. He grabs me a beer, and I take a few drinks before I ask if he has anything stronger. The image of Emily on top of Caleb is burned into memory, and I need something to rid me of it. I see a bottle of tequila—cheap stuff, but still tequila—on the counter.

“Can I get a shot?” I point at the tequila.

“You’re kidding, right? That’s shit for shots. To mix in a margarita, maybe, but not to shoot.” He watches me carefully.

“Not kidding. Yes or no,” I demand rudely, frustration getting the best of me.

“Help yourself.” I don’t know who lives here, but I make myself at home, pouring a few shots and taking them with a beer chaser. The warmth settles in my stomach.

I make my way out of the kitchen and plop myself on the couch. I pull out my phone and text Lena.

Guess what

I hit send.

I just saw Caleb and Emily doing IT

Send again.

I get an immediate response.

Lena: What? Where r u?

Me: Not sure. A party?

Lena:R u driving?


Lena: Where’s the party

Me: at Caleb’s apt complex. Nice guys.

Lena: What apt #

I ask the room loudly and get an answer.

Me:3020 u coming?

Radio silence. I text her a fewhellos, but no response.