Page 50 of Naive in Love

He places his forehead to mine and says, “Happy New Year, baby girl.”

“Happy New Year.” I take a deep breath.

“We’ll figure out the rest later. Tonight…let’s enjoy being with each other.”

He lifts me, my legs dangling as he kisses me.

“So you played the part of overprotective friend to get her to spread her legs? Good move. Looks like it worked,” Houston huffs behind me.

Ethan puts me down and takes two large steps in Houston’s direction. Houston still looks pissed. Ethan swiftly pulls his arm back and takes a swing at him. Houston is ready for the encounter and tries to duck, but Ethan still makes contact.

“Get the hell away from here. I don’t want to see your pussy ass here again.” Ethan has an extremely large presence, and a couple of other guys rush over, followed by Preston and Ethan’s bandmates.

“What the fuck?” a guy I assume is friends with Houston says, standing tensed, ready to intervene.

“Your boy doesn’t know when to call it quits. I helped him figure it out. Problem?” Ethan taunts the new guy as Houston holds his jaw.

“Back off,” Houston directs to his friend. “Bitch isn’t worth it.”

As soon as the words are out of his mouth, Ethan lunges forward again, but Preston and Mike catch him and hold tightly.

“Y’all should probably get out of here,” Josh tells the guys. “Party’s over.”

Once the guys start walking down the beach, Preston and Mike let Ethan go. He comes back to me where I’m standing frozen. He takes my face in his hands. “I’m sorry, baby.”

“We need to talk to Sophianow.” Briana interrupts us, taking my hand and dragging me behind her to the boardwalk. I turn around to look at Ethan and see Paige and Lena following us. We are in Preston’s cabin before anyone says anything.

“Spill!” is the only word that comes out of Paige’s mouth. I look at each of the girls, and each one is wearing a different expression. Paige looks slightly upset with a hint of relief, Bree seems to be really pissed, and Lena looks absolutely giddy. I take a seat on a couch as each follows my lead, sitting around the living room, waiting for me to tell my story.

“Y’all already know about my feelings for Ethan.” They nod. “Tonight I found out that he feels the same,” I say, hoping this will be enough to keep them happy until Ethan and I can finish talking.

“But…” Briana begins cautiously. “You already have a boyfriend?”

“Yes, but myboyfriend,” I say the word with a bit of sarcasm, “was supposedly passed-out drunk before ten, and some random girl answered his phone and said she was alone with him at his apartment. I don’t know about y’all, but that really doesn’t sound like boyfriend material to me.” The shocked looks on their faces reminds me of how I felt earlier.

“And what happened when you left with Ethan?” Paige asks.

I hesitate, not wanting to share just yet. What if he changes his mind? Everything tonight has happened so fast. “He…uh…he said,” I begin, but get distracted by the sliding of the patio door. Ethan walks in, followed by all our friends. He comes directly to me, sitting down and wrapping me up in his arms, kissing my forehead.

“Is the inquisition over yet?” he directs his question to the girls with a confident smirk.

“Not even close,” Paige exclaims, rolling her eyes at him. “You better not hurt her!”

“Paige!” I exclaim, widening my eyes.

A somber expression takes over Ethan’s gorgeous face before he tells her, “Never.” He shakes his head and pulls me closer. Something in his answer and expression calms them because they let it go.

“You belong in my arms.” Ethan whispers while placing small kisses behind my ear and down my neck. My body trembles with excitement.

The party continues, but I don’t drink any more, enjoying being wrapped in Ethan’s embrace. One by one, people begin to fade and go to bed.

“I’m tired.” I tell Ethan, disappointed to leave him.

“Then let’s go.” He gets up from the couch where we have been sitting and pulls me up.

“Where?” I ask, confused.

“To my cabin. I told you earlier I wasn’t letting go of you. Come on.” He takes my hand, pulling me behind him. Instant relief settles in me knowing I’m staying with him.