Page 43 of Naive in Love

His brows furrow with concern. "Why are you in a funk? Did something happen?"

I shake my head as he brings one hand up, cupping my cheek and staring at me. I forget where we are, focusing only on him, until Josh breaks our connection.

"Dude, that chick you brought is looking for you. You better head back before she hunts you down."

And just like that, I remember he came here with someone else. I step back, and he drops his arms by his side. He looks at me for a couple of seconds, then this time, he walks away. Watching him go to her, my heart physically hurts as it pounds in my chest.

Josh wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close and whispering, "Are you okay?"

I nod my head. "Thanks." I lean my head on his shoulder.

Back at the pool table, Preston tells me, "We’ve been waiting on you. Your turn."

I watch Sex Kitten sitting on the other side of the table looking out of place at this casual bar, better dressed for a strip club. I bend over the table to take my shot when I hear her whine in a baby-like voice, telling Ethan she wants to leave. I take my time looking around the table, stealing glances in their direction. She hands him a folded napkin. I take my shot and walk over to the counter, grabbing my beer and taking a long swig, watching out of the corner of my eye as Sex Kitten walks out of the bar. I am beyond curious where Ethan met her, and angry he would put himself in a predicament he said he didn’t want to be in again. Luckily, Josh and Preston don’t hold their tongues.

“So, Ethan, what club have you hit tonight?” Josh begins.

“Like we really have to ask if he’s been totheclub!” Preston winks, finishing the jab toward his cousin.

Ethan’s face turns slightly red. “Shut the fuck up, assholes! So I hit up The Blaze before I came over. And what?”

The guys double over laughing.

“You hit up The Blaze to pick up a skank?” Paige throws out to Ethan. I know she says this for me, but her brash comment still catches me off guard. The conversation is quickly turning into a train wreck you can’t help but watch.

Ethan throws her an evil look. “Fuck this, I’m outta here!” He chugs his beer and walks to the door. Preston catches up to him, and I watch as they have a heated conversation. They do the male one-arm hug, before Ethan walks out of the door. My heart drops watching him leave because part of me wanted to spend the rest of the evening with him.

* * *

We are headedto Preston’s to plan the New Year’s Eve party he wants to throw at his family’s beach house. Bree picks me up, and on our way to Paige’s, I share everything that has happened and my jumbled-up thoughts and feelings.

Briana parks in Preston’s parents’ expansive driveway. His mom answers the door looking immaculate as always and tells us to head out to the game room.

Walking into the enormous room, the first person I notice is Ethan, who is lounging on one of the couches, watching TV. My stomach clenches at the sight of him. I miss how our relationship used to be: easy, comfortable, and safe. I wonder if he notices the change too, and if he cares. I sit on the couch opposite him. Preston hands us each a beer before he starts talking about the party he wants to throw.

“And I need your help, Sof,” Preston tells me.

“At your service.”

“I am going to call Lena and invite her…I need your help convincing her she should come.”

“I doubt you will have a hard time with that, but yes I will guilt her into coming if she gives you problems.” I laugh at his ridiculous insecurity. If he only knew how much she liked him already.

I text Lena to call me or Preston tonight when she gets a chance. As soon as the message is delivered, Preston’s phone starts to ring. He smiles when he sees Lena’s name on the screen and walks to the other side of the room to speak with her, abandoning his party planning.

Ethan volunteers his dad’s cabin since it’s next door to Preston’s. He leaves the room to call his dad to let him know. As soon Ethan walks out of the room, the girls turn to me and give me a sympathetic look. I know what they are each thinking, but I focus my mind on Caleb and the relationship I have with him.

Ethan finishes his call and returns, sitting next to me. After all the plans are made, Preston turns on a movie. I’m hyperaware of Ethan next to me and the tingly sensation I feel being so close to him. But tonight is wildly different. Unlike every other time we’ve been together, we stay apart and don’t touch once.

On the drive home, the girls ask how I felt about tonight and how I’m going to handle being at the beach with him for a couple of days.

“It’s fine,” I lie. “It just feels strained, but that’s okay. The beach will be fine. It’s even better that he has his dad’s house because then he won’t be in the same cabin.”

* * *

When Lena gets to town,we spend the day eating and hanging out. Josh and I are watching TV alone since Lena and Preston have pulled a disappearing act. I forgot how much I enjoy hanging out with Josh. Like Preston his friendship has always been purely platonic.

“Can I ask you something personal? You can say no if you want. Or you don’t have to answer.” His eyebrows pull together as his leg bounces.