Page 35 of Naive in Love

“Then leave, and I’ll take her home.” He places his body in front of Lena. Jason and Wes are standing close, ready if necessary. Lena is swaying, her eyes glazed over. With the guys focusing on each other, I step around him, taking her hand tugging her away. The guy sees me and grabs my arm, stopping me.

Caleb’s fists clench at his sides, his body tenses, and his jaw ticks with a murderous look in his eyes. “Don’t you put your hands on her!” He growls, “We’re leaving!”

Caleb pushes the guy aside, grabbing my arm and yanking me as I drag a stumbling Lena behind me. Wes places his arm around her waist to keep her steady as we head to the door. The guys make no attempt to follow.

Wes helps Lena into Caleb’s car, shutting the door and walking around to get in. I look back and see Lena lay down in the back seat, her head on Wes’s lap as he holds on to her protectively.

I gently stroke Caleb’s arm. Leaning over, I whisper in his ear, “Thank you for coming to her rescue. I love you.” He nods and gives me a tight-lipped grimace.

We arrive at the apartment just in time for Lena to quickly open the door and puke in the parking lot. I hold her hair back until it passes. The guys wait patiently so they can help me get her up the stairs and into her room. I’m secretly glad she vomited, purging some of what she drank out of her system. After Lena stumbles on the first step, Wes leans down and picks her up, carrying her into the apartment. He sets her on the bed, and I tuck her in. Wes and Caleb wait in the living room while I care for her, and when I’m done, I ask Wes to sit with her while I change.

“This is why I get nervous about you going out without me, babe. Look at what happened to Lena. She’s out of it. I have a feeling they slipped something into her drink.” A pained expression mars his face.

“I know you worry, but you can’t keep me locked in a box. I love that you worry about me. It makes me feel cared for and safe. Thank you.” I hug him tightly. He wraps his arms around me, kissing the top of my head.

“I love you,” he says into my hair.

I sigh, biting my bottom lip. “I was feeling a bit hot and bothered when we were dancing. I think we may need a solo date for us.” I look up at him, and the longing I see has me tingling.

“I’m holding you to that.” He kisses me, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. We are getting lost in each other when Lena’s door opens, and Wes clears his throat, interrupting us. I pull away ducking my head into Caleb’s chest.

“Just wondering if you were ready or if we were spending the night so I can get to crashing on the couch,” Wes inquires.

“I want to sleep with Lena tonight and make sure she’s okay.” I respond. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Take care of her. Call me when you wake up.” Caleb cradles my face in his hands and kisses my forehead.

* * *

Lena’s groaning wakes me.

I sit up to look at her. “How are you feeling?”

“Like shit,” she moans rolling over, hiding her face in her pillow.

I get out of bed to fetch her some pain relievers and juice. I come back with my offering. “Take these.”

She gives me a shaky smile and takes the pills.

“What happened last night?” I ask, climbing back in bed with her.

“I don’t know. It’s all real fuzzy. I remember going to the bar to get another drink when you and Caleb went to the dance floor. I took a shot with two guys I met, and everything after that is choppy. I sort of remember standing at the bar talking to those guys, but not what we talked about.”

“Caleb thinks those guys must have slipped something into your drink. You looked really out of it, and we weren’t gone that long.”

“Really? I’m so grateful you came for me.”

“I’m happy I found you when I did. That’s what friends are for.” My mind races, thinking about what could have happened, but I give her a genuine smile to calm the fear. “You want something to eat?”

“No…I just need to sleep a little more. Can you wake me in a couple of hours?”

“Sure. Call me if you need anything.”

I leave her to sleep and go to my room to call Caleb.

Caleb walks into the apartment and places a bag and a couple of coffees on the table. He turns back around, wrapping his arms around my waist. He picks me up and nuzzles his face into my neck, fluttering soft kisses on my throat and tightly.

“I am so glad I was with y’all last night. I don’t want to imagine something happening to you if y’all were there by yourselves,” he whispers into my neck. I pull back to see his eyes so full of emotion.