Page 28 of Naive in Love

The piano players start calling people to the stage. We laugh and try to guess what embarrassing thing they are going to make them do, when I hear my name called. I look around at my friends, and they point at me, laughing. Paige jumps out of her chair, pulling me up and pushing me in the direction of the stage. I climb on stage and look back at my friends, pursing my lips and narrowing my eyes at them. This just makes them all laugh louder—that is, all except Caleb, who is shaking his head with his lips pulled down.

The piano player wishes everyone on stage a happy birthday, then informs us we will be doing the Hokey Pokey. The song starts innocently with a leg and an arm, but soon everyone is told to put their butts in, and the next thing I know, we’re putting in breasts and cocks. Everyone on stage is participating while laughing at our own humiliation.

After my time on stage Paige asks if we should head out and finish the night at The Shack since it's close to home. Preston tells us to all meet at The Shack. Caleb insists I ride over with him, so I let everyone know I will see them there.

* * *

We walkinto the bar and claim an empty pool table while we wait for everyone. I know the instant they arrive because their laughter drifts through the bar over the music. Preston is guiding Lena in, keeping her close.

Caleb challenges Ethan and Preston to a game against him and Jason. Although no outright remarks are being made, I can feel the tension. They are serious while playing, but once Ethan knocks the eight ball in, Caleb chooses not to play again.

Caleb sits beside me at the bar, where the girls and I are chatting. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me close. In my alcohol haze, I lean into him, enjoying the lack of conflict. I know he’s uncomfortable, but he is keeping himself in check. I turn to him, placing my lips on his and murmuring, “Thank you for tonight.”

I pull away and notice Ethan watching me. When our eyes meet, he looks away, back at the table and game.

The end of the night comes quickly and Mike heads for another after party, while Caleb and his friends go back to his apartment. The rest of us walk back to our apartment where Ethan and Preston had left their cars.

We walk in and everyone heads in different directions. While Preston, Ethan, Bree, and I flip through channels, Lena and Paige head back to Lena’s room to change.

“Are y’all staying or going?” I ask Preston.

“We’ll stay. We shouldn’t be driving after tonight’s drinking.” Ethan answers before Preston.

When Paige comes out, Preston smiles, gets up and heads into Lena’s room.

"If he is sleeping in there, you two can have my room." I point to Paige and Bree, then look at Ethan and add, "You can have the couch, and I'll make my bed on the floor."

"I'll sleep on the floor, Sof," Bree tells me.

"I can't let my guests sleep on the floor. Y’all take my room. I'll get a couple of blankets and pillows."

I lay out a blanket and pillow on the floor for myself, then hand another set to Ethan.

"Sorry we don't have a more comfortable couch for you," I tell Ethan.

“It’s not a problem.”

He takes off his shirt, keeping his wife beater and jeans on, before lying on the couch. I lay down, trying to get comfortable. I hear him squirming too.

“Mind if I join you? The couch is not going to work.” He sits on the floor and lays back with his pillow.

“Of course not. Sorry for the sleeping accommodations.”

“No worries. By the way, happy birthday, baby girl.”


* * *

I openmy eyes and realize my head is on someone’s chest and there are arms wrapped around me. I’m confused how and when during the night Ethan and I found our way into each other’s arms. I try not to move because I don’t want to wake him. If he wakes and doesn’t want me here, I’ll be so embarrassed. And to top it off, I have a boyfriend. Guilt. I’m feeling safe and comfortable with someone who isn’t my boyfriend and wishing I was the kind of girl Ethan could fall for. But I am the friend. He made that clear on Friday night when he said he wanted to be there for me like Preston.

I feel him start to stir, and he tightens his arms around me. I take a deep breath in and start to roll out of his arms, but he stops me, not loosening his grip.

“Where are you going?” His morning voice is deep and sexy.

“Giving you your space. Sorry, I don’t know how I ended up practically on top of you.” I’m glad he can’t see my red face.

“I don’t need space. I’m comfortable here. Amazingly, the floor was more comfortable than your damn couch.”