Page 26 of Naive in Love

A half smile creeps on his face as he says, “Ah. So he’s pissed at me. Don’t worry about it. Things will be better in the morning when the anger leaves his system.”

I smile back as his hands leave my face and wrap around my shoulders, bringing me close for a hug.

“I am going to give you my number, and you can call me anytime you need me. I can be your Preston in town,” he says still holding me. I nod against his chest as he kisses the top of my head.

He lets me go, guiding me back to the table. Everyone gives me sympathetic smiles.

“Sorry guys, I guess I kinda ruined—”

Briana stops me. “Don’t even finish that thought. We’re all having a great time.” A true smile now on my face, I mouththank youto her.

“I have to finish my set. Sit, relax, and have a good time, please,” Ethan tells me as I hop back on a stool.


I wake early sothat I can go to Caleb’s before the girls want to start the day. I let Lena know where I’m going and to text me when everyone wakes up. I jump in my Mustang and call him to make sure he is up to answer the door.

“What’s up, Sophia?” He sounds groggy and annoyed I called.

“I am heading over to your place, and I wanted to give you a heads up so I don’t wake the guys. You told me to come over last night,” I explain.

“Fine. I just didn’t realize you’d be up this early,” he huffs.

I walk into Caleb’s apartment, and the remnants of a party are all over the living room. Caleb is not in the living room or kitchen, so I go into his room, but he’s not there either. Confused I walk back into the living room, just as he walks through the front door.

“Emily called me over to her place. She needed help with a couple of boxes on the top of her closet.” He explains, not even saying hello or good morning.

“Oh… Did you finish helping her with everything?” I’m instantly annoyed that he can get out of bed to help her but seemed angry I woke him.

“Yeah, it was just a couple of boxes. So how was last night?” He sits on the couch.

I follow, sitting on the opposite side with my back against the armrest, pulling my legs up. “It was fun except for thinking you were mad at me again. I’m sorry you saw those pictures of Ethan and you didn’t know who he was, but he’s just a friend. You need to start trusting me when I’m out without you. I don’t call you pissed when Emily is over here and I’m not.”

“I do trust you…and I’ve told you, it’s all the assholes out there I don’t trust. And how can you say he’s just a friend when you just met him?”

“I know he’s just a friend because he’s so much like Preston, and he already treats me like a little sister.”

“He puts his hands on his sister like that. Really?” Skepticism drips from each word.

“I don’t know because he doesn’t have a sister, but he didn’t hit on me.” I stand my ground. “And I need you to be nice because he is going to be there tonight. I love you, and I want to be with you. Please be nice to my friends.”.

“Fine, I’ll be nice.” He grabs my hand, pulling me close to him, then takes my pouty bottom lip in a kiss, sucking gently.

“No pouting to get your way.” He smiles.

“I won’t pout as long as you’re nice,” I counter, smiling back. My phone rings, and Briana’s face is on my screen.

I answer and after a quick conversation I tell Caleb, “The girls are ready to munch. I’m going to meet them for tacos.” I get up and kiss him. “I gotta go.”

* * *

“We’re waitingon the guys too,” Paige says as I wave at the empty seats.

“Ah!” I smile. “Sorry I was gone when y’all woke up, but I needed to go straighten things out with Caleb before tonight. Forgive me?”

“Of course, but what was up last night?” Briana asks. “You were on some serious highs and lows, Sof.”

“I don’t know…” They are giving me disbelieving looks, so I continue, “No seriously, I really don’t. It was maddening for me too.” I take a deep breath and try to explain it to them and myself.