“Talk to me,” he pushes.
“Y’all are shitting on him, and you don’t know him. I put up with all the people y’all’ve dated and never said crap about them. First guy I date and y’all…never mind.” I sigh, looking away and take another drag.
“You’re right. I’m being too protective. I’ll ease up.” He pauses. He grabs my chin and turns my head toward him. “Okay?”
I nod. I crush my cigarette in the ashtray, not wanting it anymore.
“You know I’d do anything for you.”
“I know,” I say as he grabs my hand, pulling me up, then bringing me close for a hug.
“You justwantto piss her boyfriend off, don’t you?” Ethan says, laughing. I pull back and watch him light a cigarette.
“Boyfriend…uh…maybe. But, baby girl, never.” Preston keeps an arm around me as I slap him in his chest playfully, wanting to remind him of our conversation.
“You better go check on your girls in there. They were having way too much fun once I introduced them to the rest of the band.” Ethan smirks.
“Thanks, asshole,” Preston jests back.
Ethan grabs my hand, sending shivers up my arm. “Why don’t you stay out here and keep me company?”
Preston looks at his cousin pensively, nods, then continues walking inside. I look at Ethan, unsure what we have to talk about. He offers me a cigarette, and I decline, not needing another head rush.
“Where is this infamous boyfriend of yours?” Ethan takes a drag.
“He has to work tonight,” I answer simply.
“And he wasn’t with you last weekend either.”
“Nope, working again. I came out with Lena, my roommate.” I pause then add, “But he is coming with us tomorrow.” I feel the need to explain his absence.
“Fun… Maybe I can get him riled up too.” He smirks then says, “Just kidding.”
“Ha ha. You’re so funny.” I roll my eyes at him.
“Why does Preston call you ‘baby girl’? With that kind of nickname, I would’ve thought you two were together.”
I shrug, “He’s been calling me that for years.”
“Have you dated my cousin?” He narrows his eyes.
“No. He’s like a brother to me.”
“Good to know.”
His response catches me off guard, but we are interrupted by a guy yelling out the door to Ethan that they are about to go on. He grabs my hand, interlacing our fingers, walking me back to the table. I hop onto my stool, and he comes in close to my ear and whispers, “By the way, you have beautiful eyes.” I feel the softest kiss on my ear, which sends goose bumps all over my body.
The band starts playing, and we continue to drink, laugh, and talk. We watch the band, sing along to the songs we know, and dance. I love watching Ethan on stage. He’s confident, graceful, with a commanding presence.
The band finishes up their first set and returns to the table carrying another round of shots. They pass the drinks around, and my friends yell, “Happy birthday, Sophia!” We tap our drinks on the table and chug.
Ethan places his hand on top of the one I have resting on the table and says, “Let’s play some pool until I need to be back up on stage.”
“Anyone else want to play pool?” I ask the table while trying to tamp down the excitement flowing through me with Ethan’s hand on mine.
Lena and Preston hop off their stools, challenging us. My body tingles with pleasure as Ethan guides me to the tables with his hand on my lower back. Ethan racks the balls, and I can’t help but stare at his every movement.
“Who wants to break?” Ethan asks.