Page 18 of Naive in Love

I tell him about meeting Lena in my yoga class and her empty second bedroom, reminding him I don’t like my roommate. While I recount the events of yesterday, he is shaking his head frowning. Before I can finish telling him about Lena, the professor walks in, cutting my story short.

After class Caleb walks me to my next class as usual, asking questions about why I want to move and live with an unknown person, whether she is trustworthy, etc.… He is trying to change my mind about moving, making it clear he disapproves of my decision.

“I really want to do this. I love spending time with you, but I miss having girlfriends around. I like Lena, we got along famously. We just clicked. I’m going to move in with her.”

“Fine,” he says abruptly.

“Why are you mad?”

“I’m not… Sorry, I just don’t want you to go through all the trouble of moving then find out that you don’t like this girl. Then you are stuck with someone who you don’t like and can’t avoid. At least Diana is never around, or she locks herself in her room. I just thought you would want to give yourself some time to see if you get along before jumping to a decision.”

Relief spreads as I realize he is worried about me. He just wants to make sure I am going to be happy. I want to put him at ease with my decision, so I invite him to meet up with Lena and I later at my place.

* * *

The week passes quicklywith Lena and I adjusting to each other and creating our routines. I enjoy the easiness of this living arrangement, having someone to share my day with and cook dinners with, and most importantly, knowing someone cares I’m around.

When the weekend arrives, we head to Caleb’s for another one of their parties. The first thing I notice when I walk into the apartment is Emily sitting on Caleb's lap at the table, where a drinking card game is going strong. Internally I’m seething, but I plaster a smile on my face, waving at Caleb as I walk into the kitchen. Lena’s brows pull together once we are away from inquisitive eyes. I shrug my shoulders and shake my head, letting her know now is not the most opportune time to discuss.

As we make our drinks, Caleb comes up behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist, nuzzling his head in my neck and kissing me.

"I've missed you this week. I am going to have to steal you from Lena a few nights a week," he whispers in my ear.

I turn around to face him. "You can steal me anytime."

The anger that had just flared to life evaporates with his attention on me.

Lena and I grab our drinks to join the drinking game. I introduce Lena to everyone sitting around the table, including Emily. Emily gives us a hasty hello, and I return the sentiment with a sassy smile.

Wes comes in with a couple of folding chairs. "For you, my ladies."

Before I can grab a seat, Caleb sits down and pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my middle. Lena and I join the game in progress, even though Wes complains about the unfairness of us starting mid-game. According to him we will not receive the full torture. A couple of rounds later, he is laughing hysterically at our expense because somehow we have managed to pick the worst cards, drinking every time. I’ve had to refill my drink once already, and the game was more than halfway done when we joined.

Everyone is more boisterous during the second game—screaming for drinks to be taken, pointing, laughing, and name-calling at those unable to take their required drinks. After two games, we call it quits and make our way into the living room.

Lena and I are in the kitchen mixing another round of drinks when Emily comes in and stares at me. Tired of her and her pissy attitude, but not comfortable with confrontation, I ask, “Can I make you a drink?”

“No, I’ll wait till y’all are done.” She leans against the counter, frowning.

“Not a problem. What can I get you?”

“Aren’t you done? I can make my own drink,” she snaps.

Lena grabs my hand, pulling me out of the kitchen, telling her, “It’s all yours.”

Lena drags me outside onto the balcony. “Don’t sweat it. She’s a bitch, and she’s jealous that Caleb is with you.” She hands me a cigarette.

“What the hell, she has been like this since the first time I met her. You would have thought she would be over her crap already. If you’re going to act like a bitch and be miserable all the time, why hang out with the person making you feel that way? Fucking stupid!” I begin to rant.

The door slides open, and Caleb walks out.

“Smoke?” Lena asks Caleb extending the pack in her hand to him.

“No, thanks,” he tells Lena then turns to me. “Come in when you’re finished.”

“He is with you, and that’s why she’s pissed,” she continues after he slides the door shut.

“I guess.” We stay outside a few more minutes before heading back in. I look around, noticing Emily is nowhere in sight. Relieved to not have to deal with her, my mood lightens, and I’m able to enjoy the rest of the evening.