Page 16 of Naive in Love

"It's shot time, kids!" Wes declares while pulling test tubes off her tray and handing them out.

I grab two from Wes and turn around, handing one to Caleb. Once everyone has one, we cheers and down them. The tension slowly evaporates, but Caleb stiffens each time Preston talks to me or jokingly touches me.

On the Uber ride home,Briana’s phone rings, and I notice Preston’s face on the screen.

“Hey, Preston! What… Sure… No problem… NO, nuh-uh… Okay. See you in a bit.” I can only hear Briana’s side of the conversation.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“Preston’s friends decided to take girls back to their hotel room, so he asked if he could crash at my place.”

“Oh…what was the exaggerated ‘NO’ for?”

“He asked if Caleb and the guys were at my place too.”

I nod in understanding, knowing Preston wouldn’t want to come over if Caleb and his friends were staying there. A sense of sadness swirls that Caleb jumped to a conclusion and doesn’t like one of my oldest friends.

The three ofus are in Briana’s living room settled in for the night when Preston starts, “What’s up with you and the ass, Sophia?”

“What do you mean?” I know what he is talking about but hesitate to admit it.

“The way he looked at me like he wanted to kill me but was also staring at every girl in the bar. What’s that about?”

It feels like someone is squeezing all the air out of my lungs. I didn’t notice him looking at other girls. Bree nods her head in confirmation and frowns. I’m numb; a blanket of stupidity draped over me steals any and all words. I turn sideways and lean my head on the top of the couch, closing my eyes to hold in tears that are trying to escape.

Preston pulls me to him, placing my legs over his lap and leaning my head into his chest. “I got you, baby girl,” he whispers and kisses the top of my head.

I don’t remember falling asleep, but I wake up lengthwise on the couch held tightly around my middle by Preston. It is comforting waking up with Preston– familiarity, safety, and friendship. I know he would never do anything to hurt me.

I shift myself around, waking him up. His lips pull into a sad smile. “I’m sorry about last night. It’s none of my business, but know I am here for you.” He kisses my forehead.

I nod. “Thank you.” I snuggle closer, hiding my face and the shame I feel in the crook of his neck.

“Don’t let him be a jerk to you. Understand?”

I mumble, “Okay.”

“And just so you know, you looked sexy as hell last night. But I like the regular you too.”

* * *

Back in my apartment,after we settle in, I ask Caleb, “What happened last night? Why were you being a jerk to my friend?”

His anger appears instantly. “Your friend couldn’t keep his fucking hands or eyes off you. That’s what happened!”

“How many times do I have to say he is my friend? I don’t say shit about your friend Emily. He was just surprised by my look last night. No one has ever seen me be so daring.” I pause, smiling as I recall how I looked. “I am the ‘cuteone’ everyone always looks after.” I air-quote to emphasize the point.

“Well, with how you looked last night, he wanted to fuck you! And there are pictures of you like that for everyone to see.”

Shocked at his statement, knowing full well that was not the case, I reply, “Not every guy wants to fuck or gawk at every hot girl that walks by… Or do they?” I push him, thinking about Preston’s comments about Caleb.

“I don’t like when you’re so flirtatious with everyone. You are giving guys the wrong impression. You look like a slut when you do that.” He backtracks, maybe realizing my meaning, and his demeanor softens.

Stunned, my mouth pops open.A slut. Not able to formulate words, all that comes out is, “Huh?”

“Especially last night, with your outfit leaving nothing for the imagination and all the laughing, smiling, joking, brushing your hands over guys’ arms…you really had the part down. If that’s the look you wanted, you succeeded.”

I am hurt and confused. I wanted to look sexy for him, to get the attention he gave Bree, but it backfired. “I asked the girls to sexify my look up for you. I saw the way you looked at them, and I wanted you to look at me that way too.” I say, my voice barely above a whisper, hanging my head in embarrassment and confusion.