Page 12 of Naive in Love

“Do we have to do it out here in the open?” His lips pull down as he glances at a couple of students gawking as they walk by slowly.

“Fine, come in.”

As soon as I close the door, he grabs my waist, pulling me to him and hugging me tightly, whispering, “I’m sorry…” He places soft kisses on the top of my head. I take a deep breath and melt into his arms.

“What happened last night?” I ask, not moving away.

He pulls away, grabbing my hand and leading me to my room. He sits down on my bed, patting beside him. I sit cross-legged facing him.

“I guess it comes down to jealousy, and I didn’t handle it well. I’m sorry.”

“Jealous of…” I push, still a bit agitated.

He hesitates. “I guess it started with seeing guys eyeing you at the club, then you having a good time dancing with Jason. And then when you stopped us last night, it made me wonder whether you wanted me as much as I want you.”

“I can’t believe you would think that. I do want to be with you. I was with you last night, but I can have a good time dancing with someone without it meaning more… And about me stopping us…” I contemplate how to admit my virginity to him. His eyes narrow after a few seconds pass.

“I was nervous about us last night…because…I haven’t…”

“You’ve never had sex?” He cuts me off.

I shake my head, looking down. I hate to admit it. He places his hand under my chin and lifts it up. A small smile pulls at his lips, then he moves in and kisses me lightly.

“You should have told me. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable with me. Ever. We never have to do anything you don’t want to.”

All the uneasiness melts away, and I smile back at him. I climb onto his lap, straddling him, and wrap my arms around his neck, ignoring the fact I am a sweaty mess and desperately need a shower. I kiss him and let go of all the apprehension from last night’s events.

Then I pull away. “I have to jump in the shower.” I get up, grabbing his hands to lead him out.

“Breakfast…or seeing the time, lunch?” Caleb asks, “And are you still going to Austin?”

I’m reminded of the lie I told last night. “I haven’t called Bree back yet. My phone is still off. That’s why I didn’t know about all your calls and texts.” I want to spend time with Caleb, so I decide to ask, “What are your plans?”

“They depend…”


“Whether I have a girl to hang out with.”

“What girl?” I ask coyly.

He gives me a wicked grin before kissing my neck then answering, “You, who else?” His touch and his breath on my neck send goose bumps all along the side of my body.

“I guess I’m staying in town then, just so a certain guy isn’t bored all weekend.”

“Take a shower. You stink,” he teases me and smacks my behind.

I walk him to the door with plans for lunch.

I finally turn on my phone to dozens of calls and texts all saying similar things like,I’m sorry, I fucked up, I’m a dick, forgive me, etc.… I can’t help but believe him. He wouldn’t be so persistent if he didn’t care.

* * *

We spend Friday eating,hanging out at my place, catching up on homework, and watching a couple of movies. We were together, but the naturalness seemed strained and forced, with superficial kisses and touches. Saying goodbye for the night was awkward. A part of me wanted him to stay but the other didn’t want to make things more uncomfortable than necessary. Instead, he invited me to go over to his place tomorrow for a party.

* * *

Walkingup to Caleb’s door, I’m nervous. I can hear music and people talking. I knock loudly, not knowing whether they can hear it over the music. No answer, so I decide to open the door, hesitantly walking into the living room. I glance around to find a familiar face and notice Wes.