Page 106 of Naive in Love

“Not quite what I expected. Or, it is, but different too,” I respond thinking of last night.

“How so?”

“I expected the drunkenness on Bourbon, stories and all, but it’s weird too. It’s almost as if people lose all inhibitions. And it can’t just be the alcohol. People get drunk everywhere. Just the way people dress, flash, the hookups. All of it… Or is it just me?”

“I hadn’t thought about that, but I guess you’re right. The spell of the city was even cast on you.” He winks and gives me a devilish smirk.

“Huh?” I respond.

He comes close to my ear, “You were brazen on the dance floor. And this morning. That’s not my normal, shy Sophia.” My cheeks begin to burn at the memory. “Don’t get embarrassed on me now. I plan to see if this city’s spell continues.” I’m on high alert with his breath on my neck as he runs the tip of his nose close to my ear and places a couple of kisses on my throat.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm the need for him that suddenly appeared. “Maybe there is a spell because I want you back in our room. I want the feel of you filling me, right now,” I whisper to him shamelessly. I am surprised by my forwardness.

He drapes his arm behind my stool, letting his fingers slowly slide down my side. “That can be arranged as soon as we refuel.”

On our walk back to the hotel, we pass a voodoo shop, and the spell on the city comes back to mind. Maybe there is a magic here.


The four daysspent in New Orleans were great and memorable, but I am relieved to be home. We are dropping off Lena and Preston at our apartment, and then Ethan and I will head to his house.

As our apartment building comes into view, so does Caleb. He is standing by my car with a baseball bat in hand. My back taillight is shattered. Ethan stops the car and jumps out. I follow behind him, screaming at him to get back in. I’m overwhelmed by the fear that Caleb would take a swing at Ethan with the bat.

Caleb throws the bat down as he approaches Ethan, both cussing at the other. And just that quickly, fists begin flying. The brutal way they are hitting each other is terrifying. I drop to my knees, continuing to scream at them to stop, neither acknowledging my pleas. As Preston is trying to separate them, police car lights approach. University officers reach Caleb and Ethan and are able to separate them. I watch one officer throw Ethan against the hood of my car as he pulls handcuffs from his belt.

I jump up; the panic and fear hitting me is no match for my need to get to him.

“Let him go!” I begin yelling at the officer through tears.

“Move away, ma’am, before I cuff you too,” the officer responds gruffly.

Ethan tells Preston, “Get her back!”

I take a step back before continuing, “Please, sir. Let him go. He didn’t do anything.”

Preston grabs me and tries to pull me, but I refuse to move. His arms circle around my waist, forcing me back.

“Baby, move back. I’ll be fine.” Ethan is staying still, pressed against the car. Tears are flooding my sight. I listen to Ethan’s soothing tone, even in this stressful ordeal. I back away, so Preston releases me. I move until I hit the curb, then sit down, hiding my face in my legs.

“It’s that bitch’s fault.” Looking up, I see Caleb glaring at me as another officer stands in front of him.

Once the situation is defused and another police car arrives, the officers begin questioning everyone. They place Ethan and Caleb in the back of each car. I’m questioned first, my involvement apparent by my actions. I share with them what had occurred when we drove up to my place. When I ask how they arrived so quickly, they tell me a neighbor had called when she heard banging outside and saw Caleb taking a bat to my car.

The officer explained they were arresting Caleb for criminal mischief for my car and disorderly conduct for the fight. Ethan would also be arrested for the fight.

The officer lets me talk to Ethan briefly before taking him. Ethan’s eyes are void of emotion. The look of defeat on his face and the distance he is placing between us speaks volumes.

“I’ll go bail you out. I promise.” I whisper to him nervously, not knowing the first thing to do.

“Nah. Preston will handle everything.” His voice is flat.

“But, I’ll—” I try to argue.

“Go on.” He nods his head toward my apartment, dismissing me before catching Preston’s attention, and an unspoken communication happens. I look at Ethan again, wanting desperately to plead with him to let me help, but all he does is cock his head and raise an eyebrow, dismissing me.

I am mortifiedonce we are in my apartment and Preston announces he is calling Rick. Preston walks into Lena’s room, leaving us in the living room. I sit on the couch and stare at the television, not able to focus on the program. Preston walks out of Lena’s room and announces he is going to a bail bondsman Rick instructed him to see. I volunteer to go with him, but he gives me a sad shake of his head and tells me to stay put. His expression and the lack of eye contact tells me everything I need to know.

Each step toward my bedroom, I feel my heart break a little more. I hear Preston and Lena mumbling, the need to keep their conversation private prompts my retreat.