Page 1 of Naive in Love


I don’t wantto get out of bed, is the only thought running through my mind. How long can I stay here? Do I really need to go to class? What will I miss? How many classes have I missed so far? These are my thoughts almost every morning since I began at South Texas State University in San Antonio. Nothing about the past month has been what I thought college would be like. It is so much harder than I imagined, from the classes to making new friends to the adjustment of living on my own.

I never imagined college life would be so depressing. Life before was easy. I had attended a small private high school, didn’t study much to keep my A average, had an active social life and a great group of friends. My friends, Brianna and Paige, the hot girls all guys fell over themselves to get their attention and Preston and Josh, my guy friends who were more like protective big brothers. I assumed college would be the same way, but on a bigger scale, with fewer rules and no curfew.

I am stuck. I don’t know what to do anymore. The past several weekends, I’ve spent alone. I’ve walked the mall and Target aimlessly and driven around the city, just to leave the apartment. Most of the time, I’m holed up in my room binging every show imaginable and even rewatching favorites.

After contemplating and wallowing for several minutes, I roll out of bed since I skipped out last Wednesday. Explaining to my dad how I failed a class is not something I want to do.

* * *

I scan the room,finding a seat in my usual area—the middle, where I can blend in. A couple of minutes later a good-looking guy sits next to me.

“Hi, I’m Caleb,” he says smiling extending his hand to me.

“Hi, Sophia Mora,” I take his hand, shaking it. He’s cute, with light brown hair and amazing caramel-colored eyes.

“I noticed you weren’t here on Wednesday. Want to borrow my notes?” He gives me a sly smile, raising a brow.

“I didn’t realize we had truancy cops. I thought no one cared if you came as long as your tuition was paid,” I answer too excitedly, my starvation for attention and social interaction glaring.

“Work study program…you know, keep an eye out for cute girls and make sure they come to class. Don’t worry, no ticket for you though.” He nudges me with his shoulder, smirking. My stomach flutters at the attention. I am not accustomed to being hit on, because it was always my two gorgeous friends in high school who drew the male attention.

“Well, since you’re giving me a warning, I guess I’ll take the notes. It’ll help with my cover story that I was here.” I giggle. It feels good talking, joking, and flirting with someone. I am so hard up for conversation and friends.

Just then, the professor walks in and begins class. The time passes quickly with us whispering and chuckling at silly comments. I catch him stealing a couple of side glances at me and his hand grazes my arm a few times. I do my best to hide how it’s affecting me. I’m trying not to act like a fool desperate for attention.

When the professor ends class, Caleb hands me his notebook. “Go ahead and take it so you can make copies. I’ll get it back on Wednesday.”

“Thanks. See you Wednesday.”

I watch him stand and walk away. I thought maybe he was flirting, but he leaves so suddenly. But what do I know? I’m probably overthinking it because I’m needy for human interaction. Hot guys like that do not go after cute girls like me; they go after the hot, sexy ones. As depressing as the thought is, I still can’t wait until Wednesday!

Walking on cloud nine,I get back to my apartment and grab a snack, heading to my room to get some work done. It is amazing what one person can do to lift another person's spirits. Just as I settle in, my phone chimes with an incoming text.

Briana: Fiesta this wkend in ATX!! **wink emoji** comin?

Me: Sure…when?

Briana’s invitation couldn’t come at a better time. I miss my high school friends, and I don’t know if I could take another weekend alone in my apartment. My roommate sucks and never leaves her room. All she does is study. I have absolutely no friends here.

Briana: come on Sat. morn so we can hang b4. Ok?

Me: text u when I leave my apt.

* * *

Wednesday arrives,and I change my outfit a few times, wanting to look good when I see Caleb again. Maybe today I can keep his attention.

I walk into class and scan the room, not seeing him anywhere. I take a seat, fidgeting nervously while waiting—pop the pen cap off and snap it back on. The professor walks in, and Caleb still hasn’t shown. I glance around during the lecture a couple of times, hoping to find him.

Class ends, and I stand, looking around the room to see if he sat somewhere else. Disappointed he’s not here, I collect my things. I walk out of the classroom, and my stomach drops when I see him casually leaning against the opposite wall with his arms crossed. Our eyes meet, and he waves me over.

"Isn't it against the rules for truancy cops to miss their own classes?" I tease with a smile. My heart is pounding against my chest.

"Nah, we can excuse ourselves. One of the perks." He winks with a smirk that has my stomach doing flips.

I can’t believe a simple action can evoke jitters that run from my head all the way down to my toes. I nervously grab inside my bag to retrieve his notebook.