But I couldn’t stomach the thought of that same sickness I felt toward Abraham Quill rising inside me if Grey’s hands went from friendship to sexual over my skin. It had been him more than his cunt of a wife who had inflicted the most turmoil in my head.
Allowing such a thing to develop between Grey and I would ruin what we had. I wouldn’t ever be able to enjoy his touch—sexual or not—ever again.
And I couldn’t lose my anchor.
A few seconds, minutes, of possible release and gratification could never replace what I’d found with him.
Still, I craved more.
In the same way I did for Lily.
The best I could do was roll along with the path in front of me, watching how it weaved. Eventually, a crossroads would appear on the horizon. I just hoped I would see my next steps clearly when the time came to choose.
And contemplating the what-ifs and possible negative outcomes would only make my head hurt worse.
While I woke up somewhat refreshed on Monday morning still wrapped in Grey’s arms, I hated leaving the warmth of his bed, losing the presence of his slumbering body against mine.
Even if his morning wood poked against my thigh like it always did whenever I landed in his bed.
The horny little shit couldn’t control his body’s desires—but I didn’t mind. Not for the first time, goosebumps rose over my skin at the feel of his hardness even though I knew it was just a male’s usual good morning gesture.
Slipping out before he woke, I set my mind on moving forward down the path for as long as it lay clear. Living my life to the fullest sat at the front of my mind now that the secrets no longer remained bottled up inside my soul. Diving into the upcoming work week with full determination to do a good job and be worthy of the title my boss Wyatt had gifted me was step one.
We had a meeting with the retirement’s board first thing, and I was out the door before Grey even climbed from bed.
He texted me late morning while I still grinned over the responsibilities that had been entrusted to my care. More or less a foreman, I had two new workers assigned to help me with the new account.
No more pavers or grunt work for me.
Most of my day would be spent on the expansive grounds, seeing to grass, hedges, flower beds, and the dozens of blooming posts scattered around the property.
Easy fucking peasy, even though I hadn’t minded the more labor-intensive work.
After our meeting, I swung by the cafe to peek in on Lily before heading to the job Wyatt had lined up for me that week to fill in until we took over the grounds keeping starting the following Monday.
Lily’s smile had lit me up.
I fucking flew, grinning like an idiot, the anticipation for Friday night about killing me.
Nothing could bring me down.
* * *
Grey worked late. I’d cooked up a pot of spaghetti and left him a plate, but the second I heard the alarm beep from the front door opening, I hopped off my bed and hurried downstairs.
Shrugging off his suit coat, he gave me a quick once-over, face bland, but I knew he checked to see how I fared after the heaviness of the night before. “You okay?”
“Yeah. You?”
“I always sleep better when you’re in my bed.” Grey yanked off his tie, and I turned away, the stirring in my groin threatening to tent my sweats.
A first reaction for me in that way toward him.
I liked it. Too damn much.
But it was definitely unwanted since I’d set my mind on keeping us on either side of an invisible line, that barrier that needed to stay fixed firmly in place.