Page 55 of Seeking Two Lovers

Blaine hopped up and grabbed hold of my arm, his callouses scraping over my skin with a gentle caress. “Sit. Please.”

The chair hit the back of my ass without my being aware I moved, and strong hands grasped my waist, lifting me onto the high seat without effort. Had I been in a better frame of mind, I’d have swooned for sure.

Gorgeous hazel eyes peered into mine, Blaine’s face close enough to kiss, near enough I could read the turmoil in his mind. “This is a clusterfuck,” he muttered, his hands still holding my waist.

“It could be fate.” Scott—Greyson’s low murmur turned both of us toward him, and Blaine moved away, taking his warmth with him.

Coolness slid over me, pebbling my skin, but Blaine tugged a free chair closer to me and sat down.

“It’s a what-are-the-chances situation,” Blaine stated, once more rubbing my forearm, “but I don’t think you’re a whore.”

“Neither do I,” Greyson stated, holding my stare. “You’re twenty-four, unattached, and enjoying the smorgasbord of life.”

God, he sounded like Haley.

Blaine pried my fingers from my purse and clasped my hand. “I want you to stay,” he murmured as though reading the instincts in my mind, shame telling me to get the hell out of there regardless of what they said.

“Me too.” Greyson scooted his chair closer until our knees touched. That sense of neediness I’d gotten from him on our date rose again—and I liked it.

I couldn’t find words, my brain buzzing, still fighting to put my situation into unfiltered light I could make sense of, but I pressed my knee tighter against his.

Greyson had said he and his roommate shared women, that “B” was too shy to find hookups on his own, but Blaine had stepped outside of his comfort zone for me. Add in the easy conclusion of Greyson still wanting me and some of the tension eased from my body.

What were the chances, Blaine had said.

Seriously. Haley was going to have a fucking field day.

“This is awkward as fuck,” I blurted suddenly, laughter escaping harshly enough that I clasped a hand over my mouth.

Both men grinned—first at each other, then at me.

“How the hell did this happen?” I asked, voice muffled from my palm.

“I only use my surname on Missing Link,” Greyson started, and I remembered he’d never used his roommate’s full name either, “but if I’d told you the truth when we met… I’m sorry for lying.”

“It wasn’t a lie,” I said, dropping my free hand to my lap where my purse rested. Blaine’s hand stayed wrapped around my other atop my thigh. “Not really.” My lips curved upward as familiar heat swelled up inside me at Greyson’s—Grey, Blaine had called him—stare.

He didn’t hide the desire, the draw I could feel between us, same as on our date Thursday night. Memories of his fingers, his tongue, those gyrating hips that fucked his dick deep inside me flitted through my brain, pebbling my nipples and causing pulses to wake between my thighs.

This girl had wished on a magical star like a damn Disney princess, and perhaps it was fate like he had suggested that made my dream of the two of them being a packaged deal come true.

A smirk lifted the corners of Greyson’s lips as though he knew where my thoughts had gone.

“So, now what?” Blaine asked.

I tore my attention off Greyson to find him studying his roommate. Did he see the physical attraction between us? Could he feel it as potently as I did? But most importantly, did it bother him? Rubbing absently at the goosebumps along my arm, I studied the two men looking at one another, lost in what seemed some sort of silent communication.

Greyson had told me he was bi and that Blaine was straight, easing my mind over the whole crossing of swords between the two men, but watching them eye the other raised the hair on my nape. Love rested in both their gazes, but a definite hint of more than mere platonic emotions lay behind Greyson’s eyes. Did Blaine know, or did Greyson keep those feelings closeted up in his heart?

Blaine peered at his best friend like those blue eyes of his were his safe haven. His home.

His anchor in an overwhelming world.

A look I’d seen before in Levi’s eyes when I’d caught him staring at Zeke.

An unpleasant shiver slid over my skin, and I scooted to the edge of the chair before my mind even made a conscious decision to escape the inevitable heartache in my future.

Blaine tightened his hold on my fingers, both men turning toward me at the same time.