Page 77 of Seeking Two Lovers

I giggled at her feigned hysterics, finally rolling my head to look at her. “I’ve found them, Haley.”

She blinked. “What?”

“My two lovers. Blaine is Greyson—Scott’s roommate.”

“Wait. What?” Her voice raised to a squeak, eyes popping wide.

“Greyson Scott. Blaine is his roommate. I had no fucking clue—and neither did they when I showed up to find them together at the bar Grey told me to meet him at. Talk about a clusterfuck,” I said, grinning at the memory of Blaine’s explanation.

“Get. The. Fuck. Out! You’re serious right now?”

“Yeah.” My throat tightened at the truth my emotions had insisted upon hours earlier but I hadn’t given voice to until that moment.

Damnit, I wanted to believe in fairy-tale endings.

So. Damn. Badly.

I choked out a laugh through threatening tears, telling her about how I’d imagined Blaine and Grey together with me before I’d learned the connection between them.

Finding them there at the same table, sure they’d see me as a whore, being assured they didn’t, having their attention lavished over every inch of my body…

Not undivided, though.

I remembered the looks exchanged between the two men, the desire I’d seen clear as day, an unpleasant reminder of why I didn’t want to put my heart on the line.

“Lily…” Haley’s voice trailed off with concern in her tone as I shared that bit of information.

“I know.” I closed my eyes again, wanting them both so damn much, but the fear of what might happen snaked in to steal some of my fantasy come to life.

“You need to confront that shit head-on,” Haley stated, her tone firm. “Make them face it and figure it out so you aren’t left with a broken heart if this all evolves into more than a few bucket list nights.”

I’d managed to get over my broken heart once before, and I knew every second of their shared attention would be worth the ache I would be left with once their love came to fruition.

“I could survive it again,” I whispered but without conviction.

“Levi didn’t shatter you and leave you completely jaded, but why allow that kind of pain again if you can keep it from happening in the first place?”

“And if I do point out the obvious, open up Pandora’s box for them, I might not get another taste—and I really want it.”

“Shit.” Haley studied me, her lips pressed tight. The messy bun atop her head sat askew, red tresses and new growth along her temples escaping to frizz around her face.

“Grey’s hips are lethal, and Blaine’s dick…” Saliva pooled in my mouth, and I swallowed down a groan.

“Then be a selfish bitch, enjoy the hell out of that shit on Friday night, and get them both inside you until you’re screaming your pleasure. At least take that much!”

“God.” I shifted on the couch at the image of them both sinking into me at the same time, leaving my mouth free for their kisses, inhaling their exhales. “And do what? Blurt out that I recognize they’re in love with one another during that postcoital bliss? No thanks.”

I’d seen it once before, and I did not want to experience it ever again.

Fuckthetwoofthem and fuckmylife.

My throat tightened and eyes welled, hazing the vision of our old TV all but propped up on an end table.

“Then wait until you’re ready to leave,” Haley suggested. “Give them something to think on and talk about—while you aren’t around.”

“And spend the next whatever hours waiting to see if they’ll want me again or choose to move forward together without me?”

Fuck no.