“Why didn’t Rogers just have Eugene hand over the evidence?”
“He didn’t know who he could trust. How far the deception went, who all was involved.”
“So you’re saying this could be dangerous.”
He glanced at me, focus flitting over my eyes before settling on my flatlined lips. “Could be, but we’re getting the evidence to someone outside this city. Outside of the sheriff’s reach.”
Gideon smirked. “Smart girl.” He lifted his focus behind me once more, his gaze hardening. “The fuck?”
I glanced over my shoulder.
“Addilyn?” Hazel eyes met mine.
I turned back to Gideon as he rose to his feet, his face blank.
“Leo.” I hopped up too, taking a step toward my friend. We shared an awkward hug, and surprisingly, Gideon didn’t make a sound or punch Leo out.
“Where have you been?” he asked, stepping away from me and taking a quick look at the mountain of a man behind me.
“Long story—but I’m fine,” I told him with a shaky smile, thankful Gideon hadn’t let his protective nature rage. “Good, actually.”
He studied my face for a few seconds before his split into a goofy grin. “I can tell.”
“So, hot date?” I asked, elbowing him and lifting my eyebrows.
“Not really, no.” Leo glanced at Gideon again. “I’m here to meet someone…Gideon?”
Leo cringed but nodded. “I go by Leo, but yeah.”
Holy hell, what are the chances?
Gideon leaned forward and offered his hand—shaking Leo’s like a gentleman.
My eyeballs about popped from their sockets. Studying Gideon’s passive face, I slid back into the booth, and he moved in beside me rather than across like he’d been.
Leo took Gideon’s previous seat and pulled the flash drive from his back pocket. “Care to tell me what all this is about?” he asked, glancing between the two of us. “You just up and disappear without a trace for weeks, and suddenly you’re with the man the newspapers said you helped put away.”
I glanced up at Gideon, my hands clasped tightly on my lap, not sure how to reply.
He didn’t take his focus off of Leo. “It’s classified.”
Leo snorted a laugh. “You sound like Uncle.”
Gideon actually smirked and held out his hand for the evidence. “If all goes well, your uncle will be home soon.”
Leo sobered, staring at Gideon. “You knew him in jail.”
Gideon nodded.
“And there’s something on here that’s going to get him freed.”
A quick tap to Gideon’s nose had Leo sliding the flash drive across the table. “A simple call to tell me he’d hidden it in my old teddy bear and I could have taken this to the police for him.”
“Too many hands in the pot,” Gideon stated, tucking the flash drive away in his coat pocket. “He doesn’t want you caught up in it.”