Page 73 of Heart Set on You

Holding her hand, I walk with Rylee into the family-owned restaurant. It looks like a flashback to the 1950s, with a long, sit-down counter and a row of avocado green, leather barstools. There’s a galley kitchen behind the counter and the walls are decorated with black-and-white photos and memorabilia. We’re greeted immediately by an older woman in a pale blue dress and a white apron.

“Rylee Brookes, is that you? I heard you were back in town! I was hoping you’d come for a visit.”

“Hi Linda. It’s good to see you. I see some things never change, it’s always busy here.”

“It rarely slows down.” Linda is speaking to Rylee but her gaze rests on me. “Table for two?”

She grabs a couple of menus and shows us to our table. I slide into the booth against the window and Rylee takes the bench opposite me. Linda places a menu in front of each of us. “Rylee, are you going to introduce me to your friend?”

“Of course, this is Miles. Miles, this is Linda Baker, she owns the diner.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I say, holding out my hand. “I’m Rylee’s boyfriend.”

“The pleasure is all mine. I’ve seen all of your movies.” She glances towards the kitchen for a moment, then decides to continue. “My favorite is A Long Way Home. I must have seen it a hundred times.”

“You don’t say? I appreciate that.” I can almost hear Rylee roll her eyes from where I’m sitting.

“Let me take your drink order. What will it be?”

We order our drinks and Linda saunters away. I look at Rylee, her head slightly tilted to the left with a smirk on her face. “I swear she’s going to have you autograph her chest.”

I laugh. “I’ve been asked worse.”

“Ew, gross. I do not want to know.”

We order our meals. I get the patty melt and Rylee orders chicken strips and fries.

“A patty melt?” Rylee questions me. “Isn’t that a lunch-y type of food?”

“Says the girl who just ordered from the kids’ menu.”

“What’s wrong with chicken fingers?” she demands.

“Nothing, if you’re seven,” I tease.

Linda comes back with our orders a short while later, lingering several seconds longer than she needs to. I get the sense that when it comes to small town gossip in Deer Lake, Linda is the queen bee. I ask Rylee about her and she confirms that Linda knows everyone in Deer Lake and everything about them.

“It can get pretty cliquey here. The ones who’ve been here their entire lives tend to stick together, which leaves the newcomers to form their own social circles. First impressions are based on who your family is and what they’ve done for this town.”

“Where does that leave me, then?” I smirk.

“With me. And the subject of a lot of talk.” Glancing around the diner I can tell she’s not wrong. There are plenty of eyes on us, but it beats paparazzi hiding behind plants any day of the week.

“What do you think they’re talking about?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” she says, leaning her elbows on the table. “I’m sure they don’t believe we’re really a thing.”

I smile, grabbing her hand from across the table. She’s going to kill me for this, but I do it anyway. I lace our fingers together and before she has the time to process what’s happening, I lean over the table and take her chin in my other hand. I pull her face towards mine and press my lips to hers. Breaking the kiss, I whisper into her ear, “Let’s make sure this whole town knows how crazy I am for you.” She giggles against my cheek and I kiss her once more, this time taking my time so everyone in the restaurant sees it.

“Okay, okay,” she says, blushing. “You made your point.”

I sit back in the leather booth, keeping her hand in mine and my eyes on hers. “I’m just getting started, Ryls.”

She just shakes her head at me with cheeks the color of roses. Linda chooses now to check in on our table with a smile so big, I swear it must hurt. “Looks like you two are enjoying yourselves. I’ll leave ya to it.”

If we aren’t small town gossip tomorrow, I’ll be really fucking surprised.

* * *