He can’t know how much his desire means to me. I have never felt so wanted in my life. I know that tonight is a memory I will never forget, because there’s no way I could.
“Want you so bad, Ry,” he moans against my lips.
“You’ve got me, baby. I’m yours.”
“You’re everything. You know that, right?”
I kiss him, because I want the words to be true, not just something said in the heat of the moment. He opens for me, his tongue welcoming mine, then my shaky hands grip the back of his neck and I see stars.
When it’s over, he hoists himself out of the tub and grabs our towels. Minutes later we’re in bed, both sleepy and sated, falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Sometime later, in the middle of the night, I’m woken by sounds in the bedroom. I see Miles across the room. He sets a script down on the dresser, then slips between the sheets and slides his arm around my waist, pulling me to him. It dawns on me that when my workday is over, it’s over. I can go out with friends or spend the night reading and relaxing in a warm bath. Miles never seems to stop. He finishes a long day on set then needs to memorize lines, meet fans, sit for interviews and always be on.
He feels warm and heavy pressed against my naked body. His hand cups my breast as he softly kisses the edge of my shoulder. The scruff of his five-o’clock shadow sending goosebumps over my skin.
“Go back to sleep, baby. I didn’t mean to wake you,” he says, holding me tight. His arms feeling like home.
My body feels serene in the best of ways. I’m exactly where I want to be.
My eyes heavy, sleep takes hold.
* * *
Three days later, I have a date with Georgia to find me a dress for the Artist Awards. I can hear her downstairs talking to Miles while I finish getting ready. When I’m finished, I join them in the kitchen.
I take a seat next to Miles, who is eating a slice of banana bread I made yesterday. He sips his coffee while Georgia talks about something in a serious tone. “This needs to be discussed, Miles.”
“I don’t need you scaring her.” Miles gives Georgia a death glare, making my nerves go haywire.
“What needs to be discussed? And why do I not like the sound of this?” I ask. It’s clear that their conversation was about me.
“We need to talk about the press and what to expect after you and Miles go public,” Georgia says and after a moment I nod.
“Are your social media accounts private?” Georgia asks.
“Good. They’re going to try and dig up photos of you. They’ll want to know who Rylee Brookes is. And what they publish won’t all be accurate.”
Miles puts down his coffee cup and frowns. “I told you to stop scaring her.”
“I’m not trying to scare her, but she needs to be ready for a media circus,” she says, giving Miles a pointed look. “They’re going to be talking and not all of it will be nice.”
My nervous gaze finds Miles’. I can handle what they say about me. I’m prepared to be referred to as a star chaser and be accused of only being with him for his money and fame, but what I’ll never be okay with is seeing the details of my parents’ accident in print.
Miles sighs. He can read me like a book. “I won’t let them, Ryls. I’ll threaten every single one of them if they try.”
“Okay,” I say quietly. Thankfully Georgia doesn’t question it.
“I’ll set up a Google alert for her name and she’s going to need a bodyguard when you go back to L.A.,” she notes. “I think she’ll be fine in Vancouver.”
My forehead creases at the thought of how my life is going to change soon. I begin to second guess my decision to go with him. Miles notices. But I know how much this means to him. He lives his life publicly. He likes the limelight. I’m not that way, but I can do this for him.
“It won’t be like that for long. Eventually they’ll move on to someone else. It won’t always be crazy,” he rambles. “Some celebrity couple will get a divorce and the attention will move to them. Trust me, Ryls, I know how they work.”
“I trust you.”
“Are you okay?” he asks. His famous hazels looking deep into my greens.