Page 38 of Heart Set on You

We chat for a while about the farm and he gives me an update on my nieces and nephew. I struggle to keep up with the conversation, my mind constantly drifting back to Miles. Would today be the day he would tire of me? Would I show up to work to find him acting like nothing had happened between us? I have to admit he seems genuinely interested in me, but I can’t quiet the little voice that tells me to get real. It’s not like Miles Bennett is going to make me his girlfriend.

“Come on Ryls…” Cole demands, then the sound is muffled as he talks to someone in the background. “Cara says hello. She also says you might as well spill it because it’s only a matter of time before I get it out of you.”

“What, are you guys tag-teaming me now?” I ask. I can usually count on my sister-in-law to take my side.

“Call it what you want. Now, are you going to tell me what’s going on with you?” my brother says in his best “dad” voice.

I sigh, realizing he’s not going to let it go. “Okay, so there is this thing,” I say, pushing open the door of my favorite café a few blocks from my hotel. I’m glad I had decided to head out on an early morning coffee run. This conversation is clearly going to require a dose of caffeine.

“I’ve been sort of seeing someone,” I admit. It feels all kinds of strange saying it out loud.

“Okay. That’s good. So what’s the problem?”

“I met him on the movie I’ve been working on.” I pause to pick up my iced latte from the barista, who looks like she would rather be anywhere else.

“And…” he prods. “I feel like you’re about to drop a bomb on me.”

“Yeah, I sorta am.” I take a seat at an outdoor table, wrapping my jacket around me. It’s a typical chilly Vancouver morning and the streets are quiet. “The guy I’m seeing, it’s not just anyone.”

I pause, then lower my voice so nobody hears me. There is literally no one around but it still feels like I’m about to reveal a huge secret. “It’s Miles Bennett. The guy I’ve been seeing… it’s Miles Bennett.”

“The guy from The Back-Up Plan?” My brother asks, his voice rising three octaves higher.

“Yup, that’s the one,” I respond nervously, picking at a cuticle on my fingernail.

“Are you for real right now?” he asks.

“Why would I lie about something like that? I know it sounds crazy, but it’s the truth.”

“Holy shit. My sister is dating an actual movie star. Can you imagine what Mom would say?”

My heart does that flip it does at the mention of my mother. Cole is right, she would get a kick out of the whole thing. But am I dating him? I have no clue.

“Are things serious?” my brother asks. “Do I need Cara to buy me a suit?”

I roll my eyes. What am I supposed to say? That I’m somehow seeing a guy who is completely out of my league? That Miles is sweet and funny and goes out of his way to spend time with me? That I don’t know what’s going on between us and that really confuses me? I opt for a simpler truth. “He’s practically Hollywood royalty at this point, Cole. Really, how far can it go?”

“Well, is he good to you?”

“He is,” I say, taking a sip from my coffee now that it’s cooled down a bit. Heaven. I haven’t had much sleep the last two nights, so this is saving my life. “But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m not even sure what is happening.”

Then why does it feel like he’s my boyfriend?

I shut that thought down as quickly as it enters my mind. Since when does Miles Bennett have girlfriends? Never. Anyone who has ever read an US Weekly knows that. Never. So why would that change now? Whatever it is that is happening between us, it can’t possibly mean as much to him as it does to me.

“Listen, he’s funny and charming, and I like spending time with him. But I’m being cautious,” I say, pulling one knee into my chest.

“In other words, you have your walls up, just like you have for a very long time. At some point, Ryls, you need to let people in.”

“I love you, Coley, but since when are you the expert on love?”

“Since meeting Cara, falling in love with her and marrying her. And let’s not forget the three kids we made together. I may not know much, but I do know about love. And I know that it’s worth it. I also know that love doesn’t stand a chance if you’re not open to it.”

Everything my big brother just said surprises me. Cole is usually the strong, silent type. But of course, he’s right. He’s built his life around love. Sometimes I forget that.

“Well, I think my situation might be the exception to the rule. I’m having fun with Miles until it ends. Aren’t you always telling me I need to have some fun? The odds of Miles wanting a relationship are slim to none and besides, I’m moving back home soon. The timing is all wrong.”

“Whatever you say. Just promise me you’ll at least be open to something more. I only want you to be happy.”