“Hooking up is an exaggeration. I wouldn’t go that far.”
“I’m sorry, Abbs. I don’t know… I wasn’t really sure what to say. I’m not sure what’s going on between the two of us and I didn’t want to make it into a big deal and look stupid. I’m sure it will fizzle out soon.”
“Or it won’t,” she interrupts me, holding my gaze in the mirror. “You’re a catch, girl, and I’m sure he knows it. Remember that.”
“Thanks for the pep talk,” I say, as Abby tugs on the hem of my shirt, straightening it. “I better go, he’s probably waiting for me.”
“Okay, go and have fun tonight. But I want every single dirty detail tomorrow over coffee. And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“That doesn’t leave much,” I laugh, as Abby squeals and pulls me into a hug. “You are ridiculous.”
I walk out of the restroom not knowing who is more excited about my date: me or Abby.
* * *
Miles and I walk to the front door of his rental home, a classic Tudor with white shingles and steeply pitched gable roofs. It’s the most incredible house I’ve ever seen. He gives me a brief tour of the main floor, and the six bedrooms. Who needs that many bedrooms? is the first thing that pops into my mind, but I admit that I’m partial to the massive porch with its outdoor fireplace and flat screen TV. In the grand scheme of things, I’m sure this home pales in comparison to what other wealthy people have – those Hollywood homes you hear about with full-size bowling alleys and 24-karat gold bathtubs – but I’ve never seen anything quite like it.
“You’ve got to be kidding me with this house,” I gush when we get to the basement. “Somehow it keeps getting better. I’ve read about houses with movie theaters and wet bars, but I’ve never actually been in one.”
I run the tips of my fingers over the soft, felt surface of the pool table. “I’m not sure you’re going to be able to get me to leave.”
As soon as the words fall from my lips I feel like a dummy, but the feeling passes when Miles raises his eyebrows and says, “For the record, I wouldn’t object to you staying.”
Thankfully he changes the subject before my cheeks have a chance to turn hot pink. “So, how’s your pool game?”
“I’m not sure I have one. It’s been a while since I’ve played pool, but I catch on quick if you want to play.”
“I’m game.” He takes two pool cues down from the rack and hands me one, dusting a kiss to my cheek while he’s at it.
Miles still makes me a little nervous, and I sometimes catch myself worrying about saying the wrong thing, but our night is going better than I could hope for. Our conversations are playful and there are never any awkward silences between us. We’re able to forget about work and I realize after a while that I haven’t thought once about what people might think if they found out we’re hanging out. Because that’s all that we’re doing, I decide. We are two friends who are hanging out. Two friends who sometimes like to kiss – not something I normally do, but with Miles I’m happy to roll with it. I want to just live in the moment with him, knowing that soon this time together will end.
Miles stands beside me, watching me as I chalk up my cue. I lean against the pool table and line up my shot. I manage to sink a solid ball into a side pocket, which earns me a high five from Miles and one of his billboard-worthy smiles. His eyes travel my body and even though we’ve yet to order dinner, he’s looking at me like he’s ready to have me for dessert. If it wasn’t for the fact that his family could walk through the door any second now, I might just let him.
“Look at you go. Do we have a shark on our hands?”
“When you grow up with two older brothers, you learn things.”
“How about a wager then? Winner… hmm, let me think,” he says, tapping a fingertip against his chin.
“Uh oh, I can already see where this is going.”
“I can be good. I swear,” he grins. “How about winner gets a massage?”
I was hoping Miles would say something about making out with me if he wins, but a massage will do. “You call that being good?” I ask him, hands on my hips. “I think either way you win. My hands will be on you or your hands will be on me.”
I love the way Miles touches me; confidently and sensually and nothing like the way Eric used to. I would happily lose this bet if it weren’t for my competitive side.
He flashes me a half-smile, like he has something up his sleeve. The heat in his eyes holds the same expression. “Exactly.” he says, cracking his knuckles. “Too late now to back out. Game on.”
I shake my head holding my pinky finger out for him to shake and he does. Bringing our intertwined fingers to his mouth, he kisses them. We have a bet.
It’s my turn, and I do exactly what I remember my brother Cole teaching me when we were kids. I position myself close to the table, but not too close. I aim for the white ball just slightly off center and take my shot, pocketing another solid ball.
“I’m sorry I ever doubted your skills for a second,” he says, rounding the table, gripping my hips with his hands. When he kisses my neck, I breathe in the scent of his aftershave. The whiskers from his jaw tickle my skin and a bolt of excitement rushes through me and heats my core as I meet the desert bronze of his eyes. All I can think about is taking this to his bedroom, feeling his skin against mine. The last thing I want to do is stop. My pulse is racing, and my skin feels like it could melt under his touch.
“Your family will be here any second,” I murmur, my breathing shallow.